
Have a court guardianship question? My mother is trying to get guardianship of my daughter.?

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I have a court guardianship question? My mother is trying to get guardianship of my daughter.?

I have a court date next month I just got papers in the mail that a investagator went to my mom's house and of course my mom said a whole bunch of lies to make herself look good. So this investigator is recommending my daughter go with my mother and so obviously all this is going to be submitted to the judge how do I get them to hear my side and how alot of what my mother is saying is lies and they have my daughter lying also. This is very overwhelming and I am not sure what I need to do? I am in california I am not sure if that makes a diffrence. I'm thinking each state is different. I really need some advise. I can't afford a attorney or anything I know those cost thousands. But I know that I need to have them hear me out.

56 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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  1. You defiantly need to find a lawyer who is willing to work with you...they are out there you just have to search.

    Who is the child with now?

    They can't just take your baby from you,,they would need to investigate her home and all who take care of her?

    Did you get in some trouble?or does your mom just think the child is better off with her?

    No-matter,try and find a is one link for salvation army

    Good luck

  2. My yahoo name is momma1177.  u can im me to talk about it if u want.  First of all, your mother and the court is gonna have to prove you unfit.  IF u have food for the children and they are not being abused I dont see how they can take your child away.  If you provide for that child and are being a real mother then she is wasting her money.  Any body can apply for anything, but she is gonna have to prove you are not worthy of raising your child.  How old is you daughter?  Do they have a department of children and families that has been out to your home?  There is also legal aid that should be able to help you out.  Every state has different laws but they all should be about keeping the children safe.  I would ask the court to help get you an attorney- ask the judge if u have not got one by the court date.  Make sure you are keeping your child for the right reasons.  If u need to talk im me anytime.  I have guardianship that turned into temporary custody of my 14 yr old sister so i can help alittle.  Here for u if u need help-  SHeri

  3. How old is your daughter? Who does she live with now? And how did they make her lie? You are leaving out some very important details. What are you being accused of?

  4. get yourself an attorney!!  Here, if someone files paperwork with the court system they are forcing you to court.. if they lose then they have to pay your court cost and attorney fees.  Contact a family law attorney or the county bar association and get a referral.

  5. You need a lawyer, in cases like this never, i mean never go to court without a lawyer.  Check into free legal aide or probono lawyers in your area because if you walk in the court room without a lawyer chances are you will lose the case because you won't know the laws or how to talk to the judge and you say one wrong thing and your mother will have you exactly where she wants you.

  6. How old is your child?  What are your living arrangements like?  There has to be more to the story here... Legally if you can't affort a lawyer then the court can provide one for you.  Just call them up, and talk to them to see how they can help you.  More details would help me answer the question better.

  7. I absolutely agree with what everyone else has to say, you need a GOOD lawyer now - whether it's through legal aid or Pro Bono.  When I worked as a child protection social worker I saw this exact same situation several times, every time that the Mother was represented she came out fine and every time that the Mother was unrepresented the person with the lawyer got the baby.  I just googled legal aid for you and found this website,  CALL THEM NOW !

    Good luck.

  8. They won't just take your baby without investigating what her environment is like first.

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