Last night I had trouble sleeping. Every little noise kept waking me. I had a strange dream in the morning that I was at a very small house that seemed to be unoccupied or for sale. My estranged bf was there. There was also another man who looked like a much older version of my bf that was trying to sell me the house. The tiny house was located behind a wire fince on some creek property that runs behind the apartment complex I lived in as a child. I often dream of this creek. I decided to buy the house & remember telling my bf that I thought it was perfect for us. I left and returned with my belongings but when I went inside there was an older couple there that said that the house was thiers, was not for sale, & would not allow us to move in. I woke up a little confused.
If this is of any signifigance, I've hade a recurring nightmare of that exact spot except where the house stand is a huge glowing whirlpool that voices come from. It never fails 2 scare the c**p