
Have a dream i want 2 know what it means????????????

by  |  earlier

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ok the first 1 was of me and my boyfriend at the park, and some guys walk up and just started shooting. they shot me like 3 time n the chest and shot my guy n the head, but he and i lived. but b 4 they got ready 2 shot us my guy was looking like he new what was going 2 go down. so what do u think this dream means r telling me?




  1. Well do you have any resentment towards anyone including your boyfriend?  Usually that is what that whole shooting thing means.  Nether one of you died which means it can be resolved.  A park is an open area so think about things in your life that you are open to or with.  When you get what you need in your life right now resolved you won't have anymore shooting dreams

  2. I don't know.  It could just be a random dream, cuz I get those all the time.  It could be a foresight, cuz I have a friend who makes predictions through dreaming, and they come true (not to scare you, or anything) If you're really concerned, you should see an interpreter.

  3. When someone is shooting you in a dream it represents you meeting difficult confrontation in your life and you feel a victim of it. I often use this site to help me.

  4. He seemed to know what was going to happen; maybe you are worried that your bf wants to sabotage your relationship.  You were shot in the chest, and he in the head, do you think that's significant?  Like that you'll stop loving him, and he'll stop thinking about you?

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