
Have a friend who needs to take his GED, is the test for 08 the same until the end of this year? Or ..?

by  |  earlier

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...Or does the test change around september when the new school year begins? Becuase I have done some looking around and it seems there are already some 09 GED practice books available at bookstores. He is going to take the test before the year is over, so should he study for the 08 or 09 test?




  1. The test changed in 2002 and hasn't since.  To my knowledge!  I would check with a GED Prep course Instructor at an accredited school- like a community college that offers the courses to find out for sure.

  2. It really doesnt change much from year to year i took mine in 2005 and the practice books they have in 2008 have the same types of questions

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