
Have a link for Raw from monday 8-11???

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i missed it.... 10 points to the best link... thanks in advance...






  3. WWE Monday Night RAW Report - 08/11/08

    Richmond Coliseum, Richmond, Va.

    Report by James Cadwell of

    The show opened with a video package on how Cena & Batista captured the World tag titles from Rhodes & DiBiase last week.

    In-ring: Six nights before Summerslam, John Cena's music hit to officially kick off the show. Cena came to the ring sporting one of the tag title belts, then his music stopped and the boos showered down on him. Cena began talking about his match against Batista at Summerslam, then talked about Mike Adamle asking him for some ideas on how they could hype the match even more. He said there's nothing more to hype this match than simply looking to the headline: Cena and Batista - first-time-ever.

    Batista's music hit after Cena paused and Batista came to the ring sporting the other tag title belt. Batista asked Cena what he wants. Cena said the good news is they are the new tag champs. The bad news is they need to find a way to co-exist in their tag title re-match against Rhodes & DiBiase. Cena said things will be different at Summerslam because he's been watching Batista for six years after he was hand-picked and groomed by Ric Flair and Triple H. Cena said he never had that opportunity, but he did what he had to do every week: turned critics into believers and now every Monday, he stands before a nation that goes to battle with him.

    Cena paused, then quietly talked about their resumes being impressive with a lot of answers except the answer to which one of them is better. The crowd cast their vote as both men took a step back to survey the audience response. Cena then said they answer the question on Sunday, "and it's going to be me." Batista smirked and said he's been watching Cena as well. They've each won Rumbles, they've each won main events at WrestleMania, they've each won their fair share of title belts, but one thing is Cena has never changed who is, and he respects that.

    Batista said he wouldn't be caught dead doing some of the things Cena does (mocked the Shuffle), and he understands why some people over the age of 15 want to see Cena beat senseless. Ouch. Cena started to get ready for a fight, but Batista told him to calm down a sec. Batista was interrupted by loud cheering on who the better man is, then Batista said the answer at Summerslam will be him as the better man. Cena clinched his fist and circled around Batista before extending his hand. Batista nonchalantly shook the hand, then Cena backed away and Batista's music hit to close the segment.

    Mobile voting: Who is the bigger star - Cena or Batista?


    [Commercial Break]

    CINE plug: They focused on WWE being awarded two CINE golden eagle awards for TV presentation. WWE received on award for the presentation of WrestleMania and the second acknowledgment was for the fifth-annual Tribute to the Troops.

    In-ring: Kelly Kelly came to the ring in a bright hot pink outfit. Beth Phoenix then came out with Santino to face Kelly. And Santino on commentary with Jerry stupid Lawler. Yes.

    1 -- BETH PHOENIX (w/Santino Marella) vs. KELLY KELLY

    Santino said he has great confidence in Beth to handle Kelly here. Beth nearly killed Kelly a minute into the match with a back-drop attempt where Kelly didn't quite flip over to land on her back. Everyone held their breath momentarily, as Santino talked about Beth tossing him around like Beth is tossing around Kelly. Suddenly, Kelly countered a press slam into a roll-up for a nearfall. Beth had enough and finished off Kelly with a sit-down implant buster for the pin and the win.

    WINNER: Beth in 2:00. Fine for establishing Beth's dominance heading into Summerslam. (1/2*)

    Post-match: Santino took the mic and said they need to send a message to Kofi and Mickie for the Summerslam winner-take-all match. Santino said he wanted her to do that thing where she quashes her, but Mickie and Kofi ran to the ring to make the save. Santino casually slipped out of the ring with Beth and said they'll settle this at Summerslam. Santino then suggested him in a match here right now. Kofi accepted the challenge, then Santino said he meant Mickie. See, he needs practice for Summerslam on when and where he can put his hands. Mickie wasn't amused and Kofi tried to defend her, but Santino played the "hometown" card to goat Mickie into accepting the challenge against Kofi's judgment.

    [Commercial Break]


    2 -- Women's champion MICKIE JAMES (w/IC champion Kofi Kingston) vs. SANTINO MARELLA (w/Beth Phoenix)

    This was so great to start off with Mickie matching Santino move-for-move in a game of can-you-top-this? Santino then smashed Mickie hard to the mat and went for the big knee drop, but Mickie moved in time. Santino feigned a knee injury, but Mickie showed no sympathy and went on the attack. Kofi then accidentally ran interference, allowing Beth to sneak into the ring and send Mickie hard into the ringpost. Santino took advantage with a roll-up for like a four count to secure the pin. Afterward, Santino celebrated ringside in classic Santino-wins-the-Super-Bowl fashion while taunting Mickie's parents in the process. Meanwhile, Mickie and Kofi tried to re-collect themselves in the ring.

    WINNER: Santino in 3:00. That was fun while it lasted. Really could have gone another few minutes and kept up the gig. Nice set-up for Summerslam to see Beth and Santino get their comeuppance. (*)

    Backstage: They focused on a portrait of Ronald Reagan, then Mike Adamle was shown talking to Todd Grisham on his approach as General Manager. Kane then suddenly interrupted the conversation and Adamle booked him in a match against Chris Jericho tonight. Kane said that if that's all Adamle has planned, then that's fine. Adamle added that he wants the burlap bag handed over to him tonight because it's bad business for kids to imitate Kane when they go back to school. Kane said he's making a huge mistake.

    [Commercial Break]

    WWE 24:7 Classic clip: They went to Oct. 22, 1979 for a look at the Valiant Brothers vs. Tito Santana & Ivan Putski when TitoSki captured the tag titles at MSG.

    Backstage: They showed Ted DiBiase, Jr. and Cody Rhodes looking into the camera. Nice segue. Cody said they weren't even born in 1979 but they can learn from history to look at how Tito and Putski worked as a team to win the belts. Rhodes said Cena and Batista can't work as a team because there's all kinds of hidden jealous. DiBiase said their careers are further along than any WWE Hall of Famers like Tito and Putski. DiBiase said they respect each other, then they earn everyone else's respect by winning back the tag titles tonight.


    [Commercial Break]


    Well, look at that. Highlands back as tag team jobbers. Cole said the winners have an opportunity for a featured tag title match. Shad dominated early and often here, then he finished off Robbie with a hard leg sweep for the pin and the win.

    WINNERS: Cryme Tyme in 3:00. Short and to the point to give Cryme Tyme a dominating win. (3/4*)

    Up next: JBL has some sort of challenge for World Hvt. champion C.M. Punk.

    [Commercial Break]

    ECW promo: As expected, it's Hardy & Henry vs. Miz & Morrison on ECW tomorrow night.

    Announcers: Cole talked about Randy Orton's serious injury on a motorcycle. He plugged WWE's website for more information on the injury after saying Orton flew 300 feet. The website story had 30 feet. And the fish was "this big."

    In-ring: JBL came to the ring as the announcers recapped last week's match where JBL won the right to face Punk for the World Title at Summerslam. Before JBL could talk once entering the ring, Punk's music hit. He posed for the crowd while JBL stared at him with an empty look on his face.

    [Q5 -- second hour]

    The top of the second hour started with JBL starting his usual speech, but Punk cut him off and said the World Title is around his waist because he earned the title. He said he might not fit the typical champion persona, according to the haters, but this is the crowning achievement of his career by walking in and out of Summerslam as World Hvt. champion. Punk said that with due respect to Cena and Batista, he will prove he's the man at Summerslam. JBL said he built this wrestling business and the people paid to see him. He told "Cinderella" that he came up through a no-name independent and ended up on ECW because they didn't want someone from the bingo hall, and midnight strikes at Summerslam when JBL takes the belt back.

    JBL started to take off his jacket before rolling up his sleeves. He then pulled back the tarp covering a table in the ring. JBL revealed a big bottle of Jack Daniels and said Punk's lifestyle of straight-edge living is boring to him. He challenged Punk to a drinking contest with the old guard. JBL whispered in his ear that all he has to do is take one sip of that drink to win the contest. He said if Punk isn't willing to check his morals, ethics, and convictions at the door for the contest, then he won't walk out of Summerslam as champion. Punk said he doesn't want to be just another JBL. He said he'll check his body at the door at Summerslam, but he won't check his morals at the door. After all, it made him very successful and he is World Hvt. champion. He said he won't let a bully shoehorn him into his ideal of a champion. Punk put the shot glass down and said, "thanks, but no thanks."

    JBL surveyed the scene and said he didn't realize Punk would bring his soapbox with him. JBL said he figured Punk would say that, so he's going to toast to Punk and his pathetic footnote championship run. Punk cut him off and said he might


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