
Have a look at this, Please??

by  |  earlier

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I've made a picture for my school's project, tell me what do you think Please!!!

Also, tell me where do I have to correct.

Here is the picture:

Thank you!




  1. i really like this, im in my art 4 class at my school and i think its great how you just put the one butterfly in it so it's not too crowded, and i like how the earth pops out, the background is leafs i looks like to me and it contrast well.

    i think its fine the way it is, i would say if your going to do something just touch it up, but nothing drastic

  2. It looks good, i'd probably add some more color to "save" it's kinda dark.  Up to you.  Good Luck

  3. it looks good  

  4. Good picture. But I guess the word "save" had to be bigger. Because it is an conceptual picture, and it conveys a message "Save Earth."

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