
Have a problem with my Ex.?

by Guest32159  |  earlier

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Okay me and my ex broke up about a month ago (She broke up with me for another guy.) and we are both dating someone new. I have pretty much stayed out of her life but the minute I started dating someone else she has been going around trying to break us up saying things like I'm using her which isn't true I really care about my new GF I have told her several times to stop butting in to get out of my life several things like that but she won't leave me alone or my new GF alone. So what should I do? all I want is her out of my life!!




  1. She still likes you.

    She is in denial and acts as if she doesnt care, but she so does.

    You can tell her straight up or you could

    ask her if she still likes you.

    A girl will be honest and tell you the truth.

    Take her down slowly and painful

    or fast and painless.

    Then she'll be out of your life.

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