
Have a question on my 7 year old?

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she is always chewing on something or has something in her mouth. i took her to 2 zoo friday and on the way home she was chewing on her flip flops the dangling things off them and today it was her sisters ive explained how nasty it is but i cant figure out how to tell her to stop and how nasty it is to put things in her mouth PLS HELP!




  1. My 2 year old has a habit like this. I thought of an idea, but she's to young for it. I would buy them gum, but they'd be chewing it constantly. I'd take to a dentist about this, He'd have some better answers then some people off the internet :)

  2. It sounds like a nervous habit . . . or a really long oral fixation stage . . . either way, there really is no way to make her "stop".  I would simply always have something around for her to chew on.  Maybe some sugar free gum?  It's got to be better than a shoe.

  3. i am the same way. im 14, and honestly, i will put random things in my mouth, and not even notice, so now I always make sure I have gum on me, either in my mouth, my pocket or my school locker. i just like to chew. it started with a pacifier, then my thumb, then my tung, now whatever i can my mouth on, lol its gross, but its a hard habit to break  

  4. It's certainly difficult to stop, since it is an unconscious habit. Even adults gnaw on pens, knuckles, nails...

    When my son was four, I told him that chewing or sucking fingers and toes was something that babies do.  I told him he looked like a cute little baby when he did it. He got this horrified look on his face, and stopped immediately.

    Now we remind each other, it has become an inside joke.

    If he had one of those days and couldn't stop, I gave him baby carrots. Works for me too.

    They do make necklaces for chewing, although I've never tried these, only seen them. Cleaner than a shoe, anyway!

  5. I have a daughter who is eight and she chews on her toenails. My son has copied her and now does the same thing. I've also warned them both about how sick they could get from doing these things. They both have to touch everything they see including any bin. I gave up trying to help them. When they get sick I just say "See I told you if you chewed everything you would get sick".

  6. She Could Be Teething Take Her To the Dentist Or Something & Keep Things Out Of  Her Reach  

  7. Has she been to the dentist to find out if her teeth hurt?

    It could be just a habit she has gotten into which might be hard to break.

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