
Have a questions about kodak digital cameras!?

by Guest62333  |  earlier

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I have a C513 model a kodak digital and the flash does not work anymore! i dont drop it and the batteries are charged! does anyone else had this promblem or had this promblem or know how to fix it? Whats wrong? My email:




  1. Check to make sure that you don't have the flash turned off. If it is relatively new, check with Kodak about your warranty- or bring it to the place where you bought it.

    Kodak is good for an entry level camera, but it is not a good camera as far as longevity and overall quality is concerned- that's just my opinion.

  2. my flash works ! thats

    why i took sum picturez

    last sunday hehehe :P

    their for photography class ? lol


    [edit : by the way ur lip gloss is poppin]

    lol bie

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