
Have a spouse with adhd?

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I need help. My spouse has adhd, currently does not take any medicine, has not even seen a doctor yet.

I feel as though I have another child in the house. He forgets everything. He can only focus on one thing at a time. (literally). If he is on the computer, he can't hear or remember anything else. I really get tired of nagging him, but if I don't, he will never do it. I don't want to give up on my marriage, but I am at my wits end, I dont' need another child in the house. If anyone can recommend a book, or website, that I can get support. Thank you in advance.




  1. I can feel your pain I live in a house with 5 children with various degrees of ADD/ ADHD and My husband is of little help since he is the main contribute to many of the problems.

    Really find a support group and talk it will help you. Remember that you are not alone and life will get better

  2. Yahoo Groups on ADHD, you can get a lot of information there, it is very helpful, with other people in the same situation, I suggest a reminder list on the fridge!  Hopefully he will remember to look at the list!

  3. My husband has it too. he behaves is a similar way. why are you at your wits? what did he do to you? just because he is distracted you get upset? there are men with much worse problems that do much worse things. if he doesn't want meds don't push him too much. you also have to remember medications have side effects. read a book (Driven to Distraction is a good start) and maybe convince him to read it too. but you have to do it in a gentle way and explain to him why it is important to you. pick your battles and don't nag him too much.

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