
Have all the States and the U.S. Congress delegated their powers to Obama and McCain, respectively? Did I ...?

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... miss it?

See, I decided to educate myself on the '08 election.

And where better than Y!A to get the most accurate, unbiased, emotion-free and up-to-date information?

But something seems to have changed in our Constitution.

There's no focus at all on offices where laws are written, submitted and - if vetoed - still passed by an override.

There's been no mention of state governments - well, other than Alaska who just surrendered a governor to the only vote that matters.

And, now that we have only one office, can we rest assured that the Founders' predictions of a return to Monarchical governance are a thing of the past?

Oh Boy!





  1. It's part of the establishment's smoke-and-mirrors game.  They make sure everyone is so focused on the election that, in all honesty, matters the least to any individual voter so that nobody gives a c**p about the elections where they can actually make a difference.  By obscuring the doorways into the system with prestidigitation, they make sure nobody else infiltrates and changes the system from within (which, after all, is the easiest way to change a system).  


  3. No. Nor would it be Constitutional for that to occur.

    Which doesn't seem to stop anyone, any more.


    speaking of the Constitution, Y/A won't post my question about freedom of speech.  Tried twice.;...

  4. Dude, YA is in the know.

    It is difficult to discuss state/local issues on a national forum.  (Local sheriff is up for re-election.  Are you going to support him?)

  5. with all the news on almost every station they seem just to go over thing and over things just like politicts to me they give a speech then they bring that speech with them on the trail saying the same thing over and over there is soooooooooooooo much to cover ,like they never want to get down to real stuff ...i think i didnt answer your question i vented  

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