
Have an anger problem, and im afraid of myself because of it?

by  |  earlier

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im about to go into year 9, and i have an anger problem which i cant seem to control, ive talked to people about it, but i still cant help loseing my temper...

im afraid of myself since im alot bigger that most people, and i know that if i really lose it with some1 i could seriously hurt them

please, any help?




  1. It's good that you recognize it early - before you get a girl friend . Just remember this , women think allot { allot } ,  -         Strength comes from the inside , women are attracted to strength , restraint is probably the purest form of strength , she'll love you for it , (( Don't Lose It  !  ))  

  2. don't worry - you're just an early developer.

    You're big in year nine. By the time everyone's stopped growing, you're likely to just be average - you could even be small. The biggest kid from my year nine, who was a nasty little git, is now relatively small by adult standards.

    Once everyone's finished growing up, your 'anger problem' will likely be tempered by the fact you'll get the snot pounded out of you if you atempt to respond to everyday situations with random violence.

  3. I recommend going to a psychologist and a psychiatrist before you hurt anybody. They can help you cope with anger by talking it out and also putting you on mads. Do it ASAP if it's really that don't want somebody getting hurt.

  4. I know you probably heard it before? Ask to see a therapists and ask about a medication called Lexapro. There is also a book called Stress mangement, it is a wonderful tool and it gives you outlets for your anger issues. It sounds easy, but in fact, if you really want to change, you have to follow the book and if that what it takes, then ask about the medication. You can do this.

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