
Have an idea. One problem: it's about vampires. Should I still write it?

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So I dreamed about this idea; I don't know why. THis is not like a romantic story with good vampires and bad ones. The vampires in this story are just normal people(no powers) but they turn barbaric once they smell blood.

>> The protagonist, a real human ( a loser, to be exact), was forced to marry a vampire. So he lives in the vampire- infested place. Because of this, his wife has to protect him all the time. When the daughter was born, the first thing she wanted to eat was her father.

When the military hears about this, they capture the vampires and separate the man from his family. Now he's the only one who can save them. Why? Well, because he's the only human.

The thing I like about the idea is that the vampires become addicted to water. hahaha. And then that solves the whole problem.


I really like the plot but the thing is, if I use vampires, it would be cliche'. Another problem: if I use other creatures, the plot would change.

It's a really funny story, full of humor. But in it, you can find some values. (love of family, perseverance, etc.)

Please don't hate me for this.

So, can this story still be pushed through? I mean, would anyone still read this if it became a novella? Would you?

Please give me some advice.




  1. Lol thats hilarious! (About the water thing, I mean.) Anywho, I think you should continue with it, I mean, people are probably wanting more vampire books now more than ever! Go for it! I'd read it.

  2. i think that as long as its not a vampire falling in love with a human. but the vampire has to struggle to keep his head on when he/she's around him/her. You'll be okay. Plus i've seen like ten of that story and they got published

  3. Why not? I mean, if you write it correctly, it won't be cliche. And if you enjoy writing it, what harm could it do? Go for it.

  4. Oh yeah, i'd read it for sure!

  5. Your storyline seems to be quite good. You seem to have grasped the idea of conflict quite well (see )

    However, I don't like the idea of using vampires. To be quite honest, the whole vampire scene has been done to death.

    Publishers are now cringing when they get vampire stuff, some are refusing to even look at the manuscripts. Try slotting the idea into another arena. Be totally creative, find a unique fantasy being, or at least don't call the d**n things vampires.

    Good luck though.

    Anthony James Barnett - author

  6. Oh my God YES!!! That sounds like a GREAT story! Go for it and tell me when it's published so I can buy a copy!

  7. Heheh, the fact that something is "cliche" doesn't mean you can't use it if you think your idea is really great.  I'm using vampires too, as the particular story I'm writing would be so absolutely different if I used any other creature as well.  Can't be afraid to try something new with an old thing--otherwise we'd never have new things to enjoy.  If every author or artists thought "Oh this is too cliche, I can't use it," then really, there wouldn't be very many interesting things. o.O

  8. Your story sounds quite tantalizing, except for that last bit about the addiction to water; that part I can't yet visualize. In my humble opinion, the water thing is way too easy and simplistic. The climax of the story needs to be rife with thrills and suspense. The protagonist must sacrifice d**n near everything to achieve victory. If your antagonist is beaten too easily or too conveniently (lightning strike or an emergent threat that proves fatal: heart attack/disease), the entire book will suffer.

    What makes vampires seem cliche to literary agents is the knowledge that tens of thousands of books have been published in the modern era with vampires as central characters. To rise above that hurdle you must strive to make your story and your vampires wholly unique. To give the story a touch of realism try to refrain from using garlic, crosses, and sunlight as the way to kill the vampire. Make him/her more human and with a basis in nature, instead of whimsical fantasy.

    Please write your book. Everything happens for a reason; you were meant to have that dream. That sound you just heard was opportunity knocking. Don't hesitate to open the door.


  9. haha, i'd read it.

    who gives a c**p if its about vampires.

  10. I would read it, sounds great.

  11. Some authors have become world famous writing about vampires.  That doesn't make vampires into cliches, it makes them inspirational!

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