
Have another baby....?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm a young mother, married to an awesome man. Our son is 14 months old. Now, my husband is in the Army and he's deploying to Iraq at the end of the month. However, he's been in training for the past 2 months and I get to go out to visit him before he leaves for Iraq. We've been talking about having another child and trying to get pregnant on this trip before Iraq. I'm scared that my emotions may be too high during the deployment to be pregnant. I also wanted us to take a trip to Ireland just the two of us when he returns. I can't leave a newborn home, which means we'll never end up going on vacation. I'm confused. I want more children, but god forbid, if my husband doesn't make it home or if he came home injured and unable to reproduce, I'd want a brother or sister for my son. I don't know what to do.




  1. 1. im sorry you have to deal with this

    2. you should definately try to concieve before he leaves

    3. you could go on vacation anytime with your husband and leave the kids with your parents or his, brothers/sister?, aunt or uncle.

    4. if anything bad happened (sorry) then you would be so happy you had another child with him! you would be so happy your son has a borther or sister of his own with their awsome dad!

    5. i think you would feel worse not having another child when he is not eligible to reproduce then being pregnant while he is away.

    im sorry again

  2. I say have another child, the pregnancy will keep you happy whilst your husband is gone plus it will something to keep your husband going whilst in iraq, that way he has 3 beautiful people to come home to, you, his son and the new born.

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