
Have any African Americans or blacks of any descent been to Peru in the last 1-3 years?

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I was wondering because I have a friend who is planning a trip to Peru this summer and I wanted to know whether or not Peru is a safe place for blacks to travel or any Americans to travel. Is there a high discrimination or crime rate or even hate rate that she should be aware of before making the journey to Peru? She is a very young dark skinned black girl. (21 yrs old)




  1. There is no such kind of "hate crimes" in Peru. Your friend will be very find. There is more racism against the indigenous people that agains the blacks.

  2. NOt black, but there's not much hate crime against blacks, there's more discrimination against the native people.

  3. Well, to start off I'm not black, so I'm not sure if I fit that criterion of your question, but I have been to  Peru several times and I lived in South America for over seven years.  Peru is not like the United States, discrimination exists but it is not based on ethnicity or race, but socio-economic status.  A poor white person would face just as much discrimination as a poor black person.  

    There are quite large black populations in Peru ... just as the rest of South America.  And, neighboring countries like Brazil have very large black populations (almost on par with the United States numerically).  I've actually met more Afro-Brazilians in Peru than Afro-Peruvians ... your friend will be just fine in this regard.

    That having been said any tourist needs to be careful while traveling in South America ... it can be dangerous if you allow yourself to be caught in a bad situation.  Don't flaunt wealth by wearing fancy jewelry, watches, cameras, even expensive clothes ... wear a very spartan outfit, and do whatever you can to safeguard your possessions.  A trick I found that came in handy was dividing my money up into three of four parts and keeping them in separate places.  I would also keep a real wallet, and a "fake wallet" with about $20 in it in case someone tried to rob me (if you don't have anything to give them its just as bad as them taking everything).  On a personal note though I have never actually been robbed anywhere in South America, but I know plenty of people who have (I guess I'm just lucky).

    Don't drink excessively, and NEVER drink anything that was not prepared in front of you.  Also, just use common sense ... don't walk down dark streets by yourself at 2am (that kind of stuff).  Peru is a wonderful country, and the people are among the nicest I have ever met, but there are always people who prey on tourists and outsiders.

  4. I agree with blursd2 ...I am south american  myself but live in Canada. You can not judge other countries all by USA standards.Same as Canada does not have the same standards as the USA in this area...South America does  black populations in various countires  ....

    here's a picture of some peruvian soccer team players...okay do you really think they have not seen a black person in the last few years lol ?

    Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out the ethnic groups

    By the way I am not black but my family is south American and mixed

    my dad is chinese born in SOuth AMerica but my grandparent came from China on his mom is

    a mix of Amerindean(native south American ) ,chinese,German and portugese

    and I also have friend with black decent who are SOuth American

    IN other words your friend will have a wonderful experience to a new culture !!!!:):)

  5. Many African Americans and people of black decent of other nationalities visit Peru annually.

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