
Have any Christians had UFO sightings?

by Guest57748  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and I saw a cluster of 3 UFOs last night as soon as we sat down to stargaze. They were spaced far apart but moved together in a uniform fashion for a couple of minutes. Then the one furthest from the other two shook back and forth, as if to communicate to the other two. It immediately quickened its pace and sped up to the others, and then all three flew away.

We are born again Christians and we were wondering if any other Christians have had this experience, and what their thoughts on it were.




  1. I have witnessed a UFO sighting before as well. Also, what does being a Christian have anything to do with having a UFO sighting. I mean I know other people that have seen them and are not Chrsitans. Anyways, it was a very long time ago but I could still remember. I was in my aunt's kindergarden school in Mexico. I was very young back then, it was like about 8 or 9 years ago. I was playing in the playground area and suddenly saw  a circular shaped flying object in the sky that went by fast. I know for a fact it wasn't any IFO (Identified) or airplane or anything like that because it was really fast and very high up and round. It was way faster than any jet or army airplane. I will always hold on to this memory. And I do know for sure that there are outer extraterrestial beings outside thias planet. Well that's my opinion, but I beleive in that. I'm a teenager by the way (15).

  2. i have witnessed what i believe to be a UFO sighting... it was a cluster of about 5-7 high in the sky and it did the same shaking and then spread apart and did what seemed to be a hover... then they clustered back together again in a different spot in the sky and shook back and forth again... then spread apart again.. then clustered together in a different part of the sky again... this happened repeatively a couple times over a period of 15 minutes, i had other people around that witnessed the same thing. i cant be for sure that this was UFO's however everyone should stay open minded.

    there are more out there than people think, it doesnt mean christianity is wrong in any way whatsoever. it just means there is a possiblity!

  3. Folks... there is no such thing as UFOs except in the movies or in people's imaginations.  I am a Trekkie and a Star Wars fan and I love science fiction as much as anyone else, but think about it.  At the fastest speed we have available which is using nuclear propulsion, it would take over 85 years to leave our Galaxy and go to the nearest star.  We don't even use nuclear propulsion at this time because of the dangerous radiation it would generate.  At the speeds we travel in space today, it would take thousands of years to travel out of our Galaxy and to the nearest star.

    To have as many UFOs coming and going as the "sighters" would have you believe would involve ships that can travel at speed of over 9600 miles per SECOND!!!!  Do you honestly believe that any race with that kind of capability would waste their time coming here and hiding out and killing cattle?  

    C'mon, get real.  If they were advanced enough to travel space like that, they would be advanced enough to just come to Earth and take it over.  We wouldn't have anything that could fight them off if we tried.  

    Don't you think it's more than a little strange that after years and years of so called sightings that NO ONE, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON has ever given undeniable, irrefutable PROOF that they exist?  All you ever see are badly shot amature videos and blurry pictures.

    As far as the Christian side of it, God laid out our pattern for life with his Word.  Don't you think He would have thought to include life outside this Earth if it existed?  Don't you think He would have told us about it?  What about the Bible saying that man was created in His image?  Who's image would aliens from another world be created after?

    All over the entire world people have claimed to see "flying saucers" yet, not one person on the entire Earth can prove it.  The reason???? There is NO SUCH THING AS UFOS!!!!

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