
Have any Highschool club ideas?

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Next year I am planning on making my own club, it would be a good experience... the thing is... all the great clubs seem to be taken!

I was thinking about an Amnesty International club, but then there are already 2 other similar clubs... or maybe just an International club... but I'm afraid I wont have enough members.

What are some interesting yet valuable (to the community+) club ideas?




  1. I think helping disabled people and the elderly clean their homes and paint their fences would please the entire community.

    Good for you for being civic minded. You were raised right!

  2. Christian Club

  3. Good for you!!! There are soooo many ideas!!!

    Consider a "Random Acts of Kindness Club"! It ties in  perfectly with Community Services--OR have a "Community Service Club"...period.

    Have you considered a club that donates its time to working with School-Age Care Programs or day care centers in your area? I know from experience that they could always use individuals that have interests they can pass on... as well as like kids!

    Some  activity ideas for a high school "Community Service Club" could be:

    ...Set up a Help-O-Meter to keep track of the number of hours youth volunteer in your club.

    ...Make a gift for the secretary of a non-profit organization.

    ...Take photos during an event and donate them to the event organizers.

    ...Design a campaign to promote tolerance and understanding of differences.

    ...Volunteer at a health fair.

    ...Volunteer as a counselor at local summer camp.

    ...Volunteer to do office work at a local non-profit agency.

    ...Volunteer to lead a club or share a talent by teaching a class for youth.

    ...Run or walk in a charity race with friends.

    ...Volunteer to help at charity auctions.

    ...Take a life saving class.

    ...Create a play that teaches young children how to stay safe at home.

    ...Organize a drug free pledge campaign.

    If your interested in helping animals consider the following...

    1. Collect and donate items on animal organizations' wish lists: Examples -- Paper towels, dried dog food, milk substitute, portable cages, blankets and towels, cleansers, and food bowls.

    2. Raise money for homeless pets or sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife-- by collecting coins.

    3. Sponsor a walk-athon, bowl-athon, read-athon, etc. backed by pledges. Donate to local shelters or animal organizations.

    Go to the website of

    and look on the black bar that says, "Activities". You will see Community Service Ideas---it may give you a few more "aha-moments".

    Another idea would be to start a Club on "Diversity". A club that would promote tolerance and understanding of differences...You will find ideas for that in the Multi-Cultural thread in the Forum. (Also activities on Anti-Bullying is another thought...)

    Again...good for you and good luck in whatever you choose to do!

    (PS...If you only get a few members---you'll still do A LOT OF GOOD!!!)

  4. Environmental advocacy club that:

    -- encourages students to use mass transit, bikes and walking instead of driving to school and social events

    -- encourages students to advocate the same to their parents and friends

    -- encourages students to encourage their parents to buy local produce, which is both helpful to the local economy and better for the environment (less gas used to transport local produce)

    -- provides a list of where to find local produce, available free for download from the web

    -- encourages urban gardening and shows students how they can produce food even in tiny outdoor spaces (good partnerships with classes at your school, as well as other clubs like FFA)

    -- show the dangers of factory farming and encourages families to buy organic, free range-produced meat (and where to find such)

  5. The Pencil Project is a great idea and very easy and rewarding.

    Education is the only way out of poverty and by your club collecting pencils, you can help many needy children get a hand up.

  6. Club for Responsible Pet Ownership. Would educate students about how many adoptable pets are put to death every year in the USA (including at shelters in and near your community), promote resources to help with behavior problems (so that people learn to work with their pets rather than taking them to a shelter when problems arise), promote volunteering at local animal shelters and animal-focused organization, would have speakers from Humane Society or ASPCA, would fundraise for local animal shelters, promote responsible pet ownership (don't leave your dog on a chain outside, spay and neuter your dogs and cats, don't let dogs ride in the back bed of a truck, etc.) etc. Goal: to reduce the number of dogs and cats killed each year in your own shelter, and improve the lives of pets in your community.

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