
Have any Hillary supporters seen this?

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And can anyone here make it?




  1. It's all getting verbally violent isn't it?

    I'm north of the Saint Lawrence river, I won't be getting there on Friday. But I hope the media gets the message.

  2. No one seems to be answering the questions about Hillarious. I thought this was something else, she is really trying to draw straws now.I wonder if she got a permit from the city  of N.Y. if she hasn't she needs to be arrested like all the other protesters. I guess she thinks with a protest it will build confidence. I can't see the votes of Michigan period, Obama wasn't on the ballot, the only way to do this is with a re-election and I'm sure a lot of people are a lot wiser now. Thats the reason she wants them to stand as is. The only out come of this would be to film it and you would have a lot of idiots on tape.

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