
Have any advice for someone loosing their faith?

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Ironically, the more and more I try to become involved in the church, go to Bible study, and learn, the more and more I find myself having serious doubts that more than test my faith in God. I feel that I am starting to loose complete faith and I don't know which way to go.

I've been raised in a Christian family and most of my friends are Christians. My best friend and Bible study leader is very dedicated in the Church and is the one who actually got me back into going to Church.

At first, I thought it was just the people in the religion that were the ones setting me off. I realize that might be the case sometimes, but it's just general belief in God and some things the Bible says that are really getting to me.

To put it simply, Christianity and to believe in a God now seems comparable if not almost identical to mythology. It's turned silly and unreal. I think of how things might be if I stopped believing the things I do while, of course, still keep some morals I've learned from a Christian life. I feel that a large weight would be lifted off my shoulders.

On the other side, I feel horrible for doubting something I've been believing for all my life. What if this is real and in the end, because of doubting and loosing belief and faith in God, I will be condemned to h**l? What would my strong Christian family and friends think and how will the behave? It's already hard going to Church and Bible study and talking to friends about God with the fact I find this a fake, on-going tradition that never died out like other religions.

Which ever way I go will be my choice, of course. But any comments or advice from anyone would be appreciated.




  1. If you are losing your faith keep up the good work--make something of your life by using reason instead.  Don't be afraid of mythical religion derived from sumerian and egyptian mythology--if Ra hasn't destoryed us all yet--me thinks perhaps the basis of the semite god isnt real either.

  2. You're starting to think and see that god is just a superstition like any other. Congratulations, you'll be smarter and happier for it!

  3. I have some questions for you my friend. Is it that you arent willing to change and do the will of God that is turning you away? Are you really putting your heart and soul into it? Do you really believe in the bible and whats in it? Do you really believe that Christ died for your sins? If so then you should stay in the word. For it says faith cometh by hearing the word of God. The promises God makes for those who follow Christ faithfully are unmatched. The prize at the end of the road is too great to not take serious. Time and time again I fall short of what God wants me to do and he keeps picking me up and showing me something new. Why would he do this to me? First and foremost his everlasting grace. Next? He knows in my heart that I want to serve him but he knew I wasnt committed and at times I wasnt ready but I did have it in my heart. I've asked him to give me wisdom and I believe that he wanted to show me how to serve him. Now if I ignore these messages then it is all on me. So ask yourself this question once again, do you really want to serve God? Is it in your heart or do you treat it like something secondary? Never give up my friend. God doesnt like quitters. He likes those who endures and never gives up no matter how hard it is. He likes those who continue to believe and rely on him when the enemy has attacked them in different ways. He loves you, dont give in my friend. My brother, continue to go to church and always remember, pray about everything.

  4. keep praying. the feelings you have are from Satan who is trying to trick you into leaving the Church. Pray everyday and tell Satan to go away and leave you alone. It may take some time for Satan to get the message but never give up.

  5. First I think it is normal to question things.  Some times I question thing and I question God, but then I look around and think to myself that all of this just did not happen, there is such beauty in nature, a sun rise or a sunset, the birth of a baby.  And it could be God is testing you.  Take time and pray, listen and God will lead you in the right direction.

  6. you're using critical thinking skills, that's a good thing.......

  7. We all have our seasons.  Mythology sounds like the real thing because at one time people KNEW the real thing, and because prophecies were hijacked.  I too have these doubts--we are human and of course we have them.  I found a very good non-judgemental church that made sense to me--we focus on how to be a better person and not how to bash other people.  You don't have a spiritual gift for evangelism--I always thought everyone had to have this, and it depressed me.  But I took my spiritual gifts test and an in-depth workshop, and found that my gifts are compassion and hospitality,very in line with what I've always felt (and also leadership and teaching, which confirms my passions in life).  This is an important juncture in your life--take time but don't separate "too far" from God.  You are always just a prayer away.  I hope the best for you.  

  8. Good luck to you. I don't have any advice for you since I have never been a believer. Maybe it is the right time to read Spinoza?

  9. I felt like you did once; now I am an atheist.  

    I just stopped believing in Christianity because it no longer made sense to me.  I did some "soul searching" (for lack of better words) and discovered no religion made sense or seemed logical to me.

    Good luck in finding yourself, no matter which way you go.

  10. It sounds to me as if you are going the natural way of the independent thinker. The only pain to be experienced as a result surround the reaction of others to your thoughts...and the possible feeling of loss when the security blanket of a deity disappears.

    There's nothing to worry about though. Just continue on your path with an open mind.  

  11. I used to feel exactly like you do.  After reading lots of books about religious origins, comparitive religion, and books denouncing the bible etc., and spending thousands of hours in meditation, I finally decided I didn't believe a whole lot of the Bible any more.  Like you said, I had to feel very sure of my decision as I didn't want to risk ending up in h**l.  I still strive hard to love others as myself, love my enemies and do good to them, forgive in unlimited amounts, and return good for evil and so forth.  But I have rejected that everyone who rejects jesus goes to h**l, that God is wrathful and most people end up in h**l, that Satan is anything but a myth, that God used to perform fantastic, far-fetched miracles, that God ordered genocide on the Amelekites, etc. etc.    

    It's about the best thing I have ever done.  I'm much happier and assured in my beliefs, I no longer am torn in what I accept, I'm much less judgmental of others, and I'm very glad I did what I did.  I still believe in a creator or whatever it is, but one of the best things for me has been to get honest about what I know and don't know.  I'm glad that I've come to grips with how very little I know, and how very limited the human mind is.  We don't have the capacity to know very much, and that's the way it's supposed to be ... I think there's actually a reason for that.

  12. Read John 6: 68, 69. Peter had his doubts. I have always felt his desperation(?) and/or frustration. He and the other disciples had put everything into the belief that Jesus was the Christ. They had nowhere else to turn to, but they stuck it out and knew in the end that Jesus/God is the only way. Millions and millions of people around the world have had life changing experiences through Christ, you can too.

    Also, you can't doubt something you don't believe in. And last, research the Pascal Theory if nothing else. Hang in there. Pray and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Listen for Him.

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