
Have any cave drawings of mythical characters ...such as unicorns ..even been discovered?

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Also...the other mythical gods and goddesses etc?

( I wonder if someone left a carving of the deer with a horn that was just discovered...what people would say about it hundreds of years from now.)




  1. In my personal opinion this is just a genetic deformity that has appeared.  A similar creature that very much fits this occurance is in ancient chinese legend.  I grew up hearing tales of this also in the southern United States thru Cherokee legends.

    I agree with Rob, unicorns existed during an evolutionary change.

  2. They have discovered 20,000 year old cave drawings of individuals in what appear to be flying saucers. It wouldn't surprise me if those ancient people called them God.

  3. Yes, I think all sorts of things have been found on ancient caves.  Some may bear resemblance to mythical characters.

    Take the Ancient Astronaut Theory for instance...

  4. Yep. These look like goddesses to me.

  5. That deer is an unicorn, because it has only one horn ("uni-" (only one))... but it's not the mythological unicorn... that deer is an animal that was born with a deformity -like when a human borns without a leg, an arm- not a mythological creature...

    Mr. Google

  6. No,  but check out this "helicopter"  carved in an ancient Egyptian temple wall...

    and the other one looks like a ufo..

    makes you think that there is really ...., as they sey "nothing new under the sun"

    kinda interesting too?

  7. Many such drawings/paintings have been discovered. I don't know if a unicorn in particular has been found.

    The problem with this is the same one that faces most people who attempt to interpret the Bible today. One has to view these drawings/paintings/Bible stories through the eyes of the people (culture) that painted/wrote them. Without an understanding of the culture of the time we tend to see things through our modern eyes. For instance we see a craft in the sky that is beyond explanation and we say UFO and associate it with advanced aliens. However, the same UFO could have been considered a God, an Angel, Omen (or anything else) by people thousands of years ago.

    Unfortunately our understanding of even existing cultures is limited much less cultures that vanished/conquered/changed thousands of years ago.

    However, all that said with some understanding of the history and culture of the people it would be interesting to study drawings that didn't seem to fit the culture.


  8. maybe the unicorns horn use to be on all horses when animals were changing over evolution and was fading out when human kind discovered them?

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