
Have any cities or ruins of cities been found Flooded underwater?

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or Particularly in Lakes, Seas, Oceans, or bodies of water?




  1. all of florida and parts of kentucky.............................

  2. Yes.

  3. "Marine Archeology" Marine Archaeology

    Complete ancient underwater cities found off Egypt cities of Menouthif and Herakleion, Sri Krishna's City in India as well as MAHABALIPURAM, India exposed by the tsunami , Port Royal, Jamaica, Etruscan seaport of Pyrgi. On the Tyrrhenian coast just north of Rome, etc, etc. countless villages and structures in hundreds of lakes and flood plains, many Greek and Turkish Islands, etc, etc.  

    Wonderous adventures.

    Future options for explorations:

    Lake Titicaca has long been known to be not only the largest but also the most sacred lake in the Andes.

  4. Several in the Mediterranean, some off the coast of Japan, one was found a couple of years ago off the west coast of Cuba. National Geographic has yet to report on it...

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