
Have any cute quote/pick up lines?

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Does anyone have any cute quote/pick up lines?

Example: "You're the cheese to my macaroni"




  1. How about a little stir, Fri?

    Let me sit on your lap. We'll talk about whatever comes up.

    Is that a roll of nickels, or are you glad to see me? (Mae West)

    Try this salad: lettuce alone without dressing.

  2. my brother always used to say

    "can I borrow your pen, thanks, can i borrow your number?"

    worked most of the time

  3. "Did you know that me and Alan Ladd are the same height?"

  4. hey are you from tennese? cuz you're the only ten i see!

  5. I'm sure glad I brought my library card, 'cause I'm checking you out!

    Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got FINE written all over you!

    I need a place to blot my lipstick. Can I use your lips?

  6. I'm 6'8" so I tell girls when I meet them that I only do high fives and hugs.  Of course they're too short to give the high five, so I get the hug.  Then we go back to my place for coffee.

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