
Have any feminists here read non-feminist books like those by Warren Farrell?

by Guest62655  |  earlier

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Just curious, because none of the books listed by feminists here are non-feminist:;_ylt=AoefowAwo0VNl7jITL.Va._sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080605082915AAvZg9n&show=7#profile-info-GO9uwIiRaa

If one isn't going to read or listen to what the opposing group has to say, how is one supposed to develop an open mind.

It's not like I refrain from any Manchester United or Arsenal matches just because I support Chelsea. I watch them because they play good football, regardless of whether they're my team's rivals or not.

DO feminists here do the same?




  1. I think we are all prone to read what we want to read (that which supports our own views), though I have observed this to be more common among the feminists here.  However, I have noticed that feminists in other places are more likely to take other views or opinions into consideration.

  2. Would you read a car manual to sew a button?

  3. I've read some anti-feminist writing. Nothing by him, because I haven't specifically looked for his books. But I've seen a few snippets, and most of what he says is BS. (The stuff about the wage gap is reasonable, though.)

  4. I haven't read any Warren Farrell books, neither from his first wave (his feminist phase) or his second wave (his re-appraisal phase), but I've seen many reviews. He is nowadays deprecated by the feminists but there was a time when he was their darling. Indeed he was a high flyer in the feminists' organisation.

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