
Have any ideas of how i can talk my grandmother into letting me go to a g*y nightclub?

by Guest45543  |  earlier

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I will admit, i've lied to her and been to the club twice already (first time was to "see a late showing of the dark night" and the second time was to "go cosmic bowling") but i figured that this time i'd tell the truth to let her know where i'm actually going. Well she said no. She stands firm in what she says and is sometimes hard to move. However, the main person i'm going with she likes and it won't just be him and i, it will be at least 7 other people and we look out for each other. The security at the club is pretty good, they make sure that no one under age drinks, we go as a group and hardly separate, and i'm not going to participate in recreational drugs. I'm going to ask again the day before the actual day we'd be going, any ideas of things to say that might convince her to let me go?




  1. Tell your grandmother that there is nothing wrong with going to a g*y club . Plus wouldn't she rather know were your at the going behind her back

  2. Are you g*y?   Not that it matters because it doesn't.

    You need to listen to your grandma.   It is disrespectful to go behind her back and do something she said not to do.  It is her job to make sure your safe until you 18.  Otherwise you are showing she is failing at doing her job.

    You can un into the wrong crowd at these places and get into the wrong things.   Don't even put yourself into that situation.  

  3. My friends and I often go to a g*y club.  The entertainment they have is absolutely wonderful, which is the biggest reason we go.  None of us are g*y.  If you are 21, go for it.  You are old enough to make up your own mind.

  4. Well...........

    IDK .

    But the Age Limit on most nightclubs are either 18 or 21.  

  5. You didn't mention your age or the age of your friends. I can completely understand your grandmother's reluctance to allow you into a nightclub that allows adults, drinking, and where drug use likely goes on...even if you don't partake. The risks of something happening to minors in such an environment still exist. I have to say I wouldn't allow my minor child to go to an adult nightclub. Sorry...we're looking at the situation from a very different perspective than you.

  6. How old are you if you are old enough to go to clubs then it should be ok as you are an adult and if you are not old enough to be in clubs then i would be saying no as well as a parent or guardian it is our responsibility to protect the children. are you g*y? if so then i would sit down and break that news to her gently before you just come up and say i am going to a g*y club and let her figure it out for our self's if you are not g*y then i wouldn't bother telling her it is a g*y club cause a club is a club and some things are better left unknown

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