
Have any of Hitlers relatives spoken publically?

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Im curious if a close relative has made any comment regarding Hitler.




  1. dude i just saw this on history channel its on again at 5 cali time.. its called hitlers family and it had survivors of his fam. talkin on the show.

  2. In London, William Patrick Hitler wrote an 1930s article on Look magazine on why he hated his n**i leader uncle, Adolf, and fleeing Germany after Adolf offered his nephew on relinquishing his British citizenship in exchange for a high-paying job. He tried to blackmail Adolf with an alleged rumor that Adolf has Jewish ancestry. In the United States, WPH bore four children, all of whom were never married after they vowed never to bear children for that their last name is negatively associated with their evil uncle and his n**i ideology.  

  3. Ja (which the f'in Yamsters fail to realize is German for YES) - - - Adolf's sister Paula went to great lengths to explain her brother for posterity.  A nephew Patrick Hitler also spoke out and some where out there Hitler's 'half' brother spoke as well, see links and snippets.....

    """-------------Their father, Alois, was a hard, conscientious Customs Official, punctilious to a fault with a difficult temper that flared with no apparent provocation. Paula later recalled how Adolf bore the brunt of the father's discipline:

    "Adolf challenged my father to extreme harshness and got his sound thrashing every day. He was a scrubby little rogue, and all attempts of his father to thrash him for his rudeness and to cause him to love the profession of an official of the state were in vain. How often on the other hand did my mother caress him and try to obtain with her kindness where the father could not succeed with harshness ..."

    In 2005 the discovery of a journal written by Paula Hitler revealed how Klara Hitler tried to protect her son from his father and the regular beatings:

    "Fearing that the father could no longer control himself in his unbridled rage, she decides to put an end to the beating ... She goes up to the attic, covers Adolf who is lying on the floor, but cannot deflect the father's final blow. Without a sound she absorbs it."

    Another excerpt described how Adolf Hitler was a little bully in his teens and would beat her. Recounting the earliest memories of her childhood, Paula wrote: "Once again I feel my brother's loose hand across my face."""""

    """In a letter to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, dated March 3, 1942, a young British subject living in the United States beseeched the President's consent on his clearance for service in the U.S. armed forces. Not unreasonable in its principle, the context of his appeal proved extraordinary. The fourth sentence of this letter underscores the convoluted nature of his request; a request that will spark an FBI investigation and an O.S.S. report. Unmasked and forthright, the author explains his injunction: "I am the nephew and only descendant of the ill-famed Chancellor and Leader of Germany who today so despotically seeks to enslave the free and Christian peoples of the globe." 1

    In 1944, the Allied forces and the world prepared for an invasion-unprecedented in size, planning, and scope-against a foe unrivaled in evil and ambition. Germany and its fellow Axis powers, having felled most of Europe, teetered on the precipitous of global domination. Hitler and his generals prepared for the impending attack. William Patrick Hitler, nephew to the villainous demagogue, was undergoing training in the U.S. in preparation for service in the Navy.----------------------"


  4. His cousin threatened to tell everyone that his grandfather was Amstel Rothschild, a self proclaimed Jew.

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