
Have any of u seen Rafael Nadal fix his wedgie b4??

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Dont get me wrong.... Hes my favorite tennis player... it just seems kinda funny that he does it on national television.




  1. Yeah :) He cant break the habbit haha He said in an interview he started it when he was younger ever since he played tennis and its just stuck with him. Im use to it now and it doesnt bother me, i know a lot of ppl find it disgusting lol ! But Rafa wouldnt be Rafa if he didnt do all these weird things he does :) ! I love him haha He`s the BEST x*x

  2. yeah all the time.

  3. That's just what he feels he needs to do.

  4. its a questionable "trademark"........please, will someone find the boy a pair of underwear that fits!

  5. He said it's a habit he's had since he was little and playing tennis. It's too hard for him to break now. He's very OCD if you haven't noticed before.

  6. your just jelous :-p

  7. I was at the Pacific Life Open quarters, when he went against Blake! He was right in front of me picking wedgies. It was awesome!!

  8. 98419 times.

    and I don't give a damnnnn.


  9. Yeah!!! haha i didnt know if a lot of other people caught that. and its worldwide, btw. haha. and this year, i saw one guy like a coach or someone picking his nose! it was nasty but again so funny tht he did that on tv. lol.

  10. yes everyone has

  11. yes

  12. ya... iv seen it almost every time hes played... nothing new for me...

  13. Yeah i found it weird when i first watched him, but kinda gotten used to it after a while.

  14. You're right. He probably has some pimple or hemorrhoid on his butt that annoys him so he has to pick it all the time.

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