
Have any of you become sick from the most recent outbreak of salmonella(suspect tomatoes)?

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Do you suspect tomatoes or some other source?

If the government can't control the nations food supply, what can they do? This is terrible!




  1. no

  2. Not directly, but I am sick of our federal government who can't protect us from the lead childrens toys made in China, or any of the contaminated foods sold in this country.

  3. Even though the CDC said tomatoes are okay, I don't want to eat any. It may be a long while before I eat tomatoes again.

  4. At first, I thought this was a lot of trouble about nothing, but one of my parents' best friends actually died from tomato salmonella (in Houston, Texas).  He was already weak and sick, so his immune system was too poor to fight it.

  5. No, I have not had any contact with any of Salmonella from eating suspected tomatoes. I stopped eating them as soon as it started announced regarding this problem. Right now toward the government branches like Congress, especially democrat-controlled are spending their time attacking and slandering with their opposite parties, find their time support their candidate-Obama. I wish they have time to help CDC to do something about it, probably very slow to respond to it.( a later time like gas price).  I believe as a wild life major, many people outlooking over the what their water quality are at this moment, instead focus on the supply, because all vegetables are required to grow with sun and water and sometimes with pest spraying. Most of time we get the tomatoes from other countries, California and Florida. Very little in this country. Large market from Mexico. You know, the other countries than in U.S often don't have high standards with the water quality that are untreated and unfiltered( pig's f***s or goat's f***s like that, or other diseases right into the tomato fields).

  6. no...but then I dont eat raw tomatoes..only cooked ones...and NEVER off a salad bar

  7. No, far as I have heard this outbreak was much ado about nothing. The fact that the FDA reacted so quickly to control it shows the government is doing its job.

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