
Have any of you been sent to a psychiatrist (or worse) for dealing with the paranormal?

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Cregg...sorry I misspelled your name.




  1. I doubt that anyone's ever been sent to a psychiatrist just for dealing with the paranormal.  On the other hand, there are certain delusional states - such as believing one is Napoleon Bonaparte, or Santa Claus - for which psychiatric treatment may be the best option.


  2. I know of 3 people.  They all had very religious family's that had them committed.  And I have one friend that  has been threatened, his grand mother is one of the above 3.  She went through shock treatment.

  3. no

  4. Most state laws don't allow for you to be "sent" to a psychiatrist for evaluation unless you were deemed to be a danger to yourself or others.  I imagine some places might coerce you into going, but there are very few situations where it would be mandatory.

    Oh, and no I haven't.  At least not yet.

  5. my parents thought i was just weird cuz i told them i saw a ghost at the cemetary and where we lived at...hah, but i wasnt sent anywhere.

  6. I was already seeing a psychiatrist and one of the screening questions is something like "Do you believe you have special powers - including but not limited to:  Communication with the dead, moving objects using your mind, foreseeing the future, reading other people's thoughts."

    I answered no, even though I am clairesentient, because who knows what in the heck they would have done !!

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