
Have any of you done the i cant wait, im drinking castor oil get this baby outta me thing?

by  |  earlier

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im so gonna do it i know i will, it doesn't harm the baby or nething but you will get the poos has ne one done this, any one got any storys or opinions my ears are open




  1. Castor oil doesn't work and from what I hear it tastes like c**p. It may start some contractions (so can s*x and walking) but they will go away after an hour or so. Don't waste your time.  

  2. If the baby isn't ready it wont work.. My mother and cousin's doctors recommended it to them once they hit their 40 week marker and it worked like a charm but it doesn't with everyone.. It does however cause terrible stomach cramps and nausea. I would say don't even try it unless your doctor mentions it or you are at least 38-40 weeks.

  3. if i were you i would wait and let nature let it run its course.  baby will come when it is ready.  

  4. My Co worker drank castor oil, all it did was raise her blood pressure enough to where they decided to induce her and get the baby outta there.  

  5. my sister did it and yeah she gave birth but it almost killed her son because it can cross the placenta and cause the baby to have a bowel movement while still inside of you which then they can ingest causing and infection in side of them. I know your impatient we all get that way but you need to hang in there or try a safer method !

  6. I tried evrything and nothing worked for me. I still have my castor oil from two years ago! The only thing that helped me was the morning I went into labor my husband and I went for a two hour walk!!! I was in the hospital by 7 pm the same night!!!

    Good luck, just be patient though! I know it is very exciting but you need to wait it out!!!!

  7. I tried the castor oil drink more then once and it never worked for me. I tried everything and I mean everything. good luck  

  8. I tried it...did nothing!! I didnt even get the poos! I dont think I took enough because I was freakin out about it. I heard that it can make baby pass its first poo inside you. good luck

  9. I heard that it can affect the baby, upset the baby's bowels and make it pass a movement before it is born which is not a good thing. Do a little more research and ask for a medical opinion before you do that.

  10. I seriously considered it! almost went to buy some but that morning at 2am my contractions started :) just wait a bit i know its hard but your baby knows what time is best!

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