
Have any of you ever been in a state mental hospital? What was it like? Do they feed you good? Do you get to ?

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  1. I have, I don't like to boost about it but someone very close to me is in one (and no, I am not in one myself! haha).

    The person I know hates the place. I believe mental hospitals actually make the patient worst. If a person is depressed, a mental hospital is just going to re-iterate that truth.

    But of course, you are most likely not asking because you have problems yourself. Is it that you want to jew the system? Or are you just curious?

  2. Its not a walk in the park on a beautiful sunny day. It's being confined like a prisoner and fed lousy food and have to follow rules. I know someone in a state hospital right now and he's treated ok but he hates it. He is kept heavily medicated all the time. You have no freedom. You do get to watch tv some and play games with other patients but you have to be careful because some patients can be violent.

  3. *___*  yawns!!

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