
Have any of you ever destroyed one of your childs toys on purpose just to be rid of it?

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I recently got fed up with an annoying toy robot and decided to make it "disappear". I broke this one up into little pieces by stepping on it so my son wouldn't see it in the kitchen garbage. It'll get recycled because all our garbage goes to a burner which makes electricity. This got me thinking about if other moms ever make annoying toys go bye bye.




  1. I do give away and get rid of toys. Ushually while my kids are not looking. If they are nice they go some place someone else can use them. If they are junk I toss them.

  2. I'm not a parent, but one I told my mom to shut up and she smashed my playstation.

  3. Yes. My son had a little Bill and Ben tv thing, which just repeats Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Meeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, over and over again. The most annoying thing you ever heard. My sister in law took him to Wales to visit family in Wales, and I asked her to take the toy too, and leave it there. Its now a running joke in our family, as the family from wales visited her recently and left it under her pillow with a note saying nice try! I'm now watching her closely when she's at my house in case she brings it back LOL!

    Wonder what the note will say...? Ha ha!

  4. I have not actually gone so far as to destroy toys, but I have put them on top of the fridge. I have also boxed them up and hid them out in the garage.

    that reminds me....gotta buy the most annoying baby toy ever made for my brother-in -laws baby (due in early december). He bought a bunch for my kids, so I owe him. I have apologized in advance to his wife:)

  5. Can't Stop laughing here....In my house irritating toys become what my kids sweetly refer to as "Refrigerator Toys" because I used to wait until my kids heads were turned or playing with something else and I would GRAB the irritating toy and onto the Top of the Refrigerator it would go to hide it until I could take it out and throw it away...the night before trash day...LOL

  6. We don't really have any annoying toys here because we don't allow toys that are battery operated that the child can't interact with imaginatively or with some merit.  There are a few though that other people have bought him that mysteriously just relocate because I give them away.

    One's that we've found especially annoying are the story books that you press a button and it plays some song or says a word over and over again. They are ANNOYING. Those almost always get "relocated" to the trash or some other persons house.  We had an alphabet pal caterpillar and donated it to the church nursery because the thing drove me up the wall after awhile. The kids there love playing with it though so it is still getting used.

  7. ha ha ha no but my mum had this gross handbag so one day when she wasnt looking i put it through the shredder and put the bits at the bottom of the garbage. the next day we went shopping and we picked out a nice handbag together.  

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