
Have any of you ever felt WARMTH when a spirit was around you?

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I always hear about "cold spots" and "cold rooms" and "chills". Whenever I was in healing services.....I'd feel "warmth"..they said that was the healing power. It would usually make me cry. (happy crying) Have any of you ever felt that warmth?




  1. To answer the question, no. But Denie, if spirits cannot be detected in any objective way, how can this relationship between warmth and spirit presence be distinguished from mere power of suggestion?

  2. Denie, I cant recall any warmth. but I can recall when my dad passed, I was 16. He was in Missouri and I was in Denver. I was at a party that particular day, and for whatever reason, I decided to go home to my brothers where I was staying. Try to get a teenager to willingly leave a party at 5 or 6 in the afternoon. I digress, I went home. And shortly after I arrived I heard the phone ring. i told my sister-in-law it was my other brother back in missouri, and that my dad was dead. She just looked at me. She answered, it was my brother calling to say our dad had passed away. what got me to leave a perfectly good party, and why did I know the moment the phone rang my dad had passed away. I had not talked to anyone in missouri for at least a month.

  3. hi denie (smiling)

    i had a best friend who never liked crying, would always say "why cry it wont do you anything" he never liked when people cryed, and i never cryed then, proberly cause i was always happy..

    but then he died, and i broke down..

    and everytime i cryed i would begin to feel this warmth wrapp around me, and all of a sudden my crying would just stop, just like that and i would feel at peace.. i felt a little strange when it would happen, cause i could feel something happening, that wasnt coming from me, but when it happened every single time and still up to this day it still happens... i just know its him... it will start off with me being really upset and then i start to cry, and within seconds of it, it just clears away, just like it never happened... i still find it strange, but im very comforted about the whole thing...

    nuff sorry about your dad, isnt it strange when we pick up on things like that, we dont know but we feel it until we get the bad news...i experienced alot of things when my best friend died that night, i was out across town, and kept telling my friends i could feel him there, like he was standing outside, i could feel a pressence in the house also, kept seeing shadows move through the house, but i kept stressing that he was there.... one of his friends told me later that he seen him in his dream that night, he was lost and couldnt understand what was happening, he was stressing real hard about it (my dead friend)...he died in his sleep and must of been wandering around confused, i know that night he came to me straight away, but i thought he was really outside....

  4. These things could all be true that ghosts are cold but spirits are warm, especially when used in magical touch healing.  Or--and try to keep an open mind here--you could be imagining the whole thing.  You feel warm because you are conforted.  They feel cold because they are spooked.

  5. No, but my friend said at her grandma's funeral which was in Feburary during a New England snowstorm [3ft snow] she felt warmth and believed it was her grandma.

    I just believe she wet herself.

  6. I've had those moments of pure comfort of warmth.  In times when you think that everything is going haywire, then that warmth hits you and you know it is going to be ok.  It will be 6 months tomorrow that my baby girl was born.  I was so scared because I had her via c-section and pre existing diabetes when I found out I was pregnant.  As soon as I heard her cry immediately, I knew that everything was going to be ok by getting warm at the particular moment.  Operating rooms are very cold and I shivered the whole time except that moment.  I told my husband she is going to be just fine.  There is something special about her spiritualy that I can not explain.  With my son the labor and delivery did not go well with him, he never cried and knew something wrong.  Now he is happy 6 year old.

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