
Have any of you ever had a relative who was murdered by a family member, or...?

by  |  earlier

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My Dad did the same thing. My mom left him after all of kids grew up because of all of the physical abuse to us, and for all of the verbal abuse towards her. He did the same thing: hidden tape recorders connected to the phone line -- and the stalking; he began following her from her job, piecemeal, so that he would not be seen by her, until he finally discovered where she moved to with her new boyfriend. To make a long story short. They were both murdered. He is currently serving life without possibility of parole in California. No, I am not in contact with him or visit him

This is the answer that I gave to someone who had asked a question about his father stalking his mother.




  1. No... It to too cruel to kill your own family members,thus,my family love each other and when they quarrel,they will be angry to each other about a day or two.So they will not end out murdering

  2. My cousin was murdered by her brother-in-law.Her sister and her husband were having problems. Everybody was over her moms house and he came over to kill her.He told his mom and dad what he was going to do. They called to warn everyone. When he got there, the men went outside to talk to him. He started shooting and shot his sister-in-law.She died instantly. He was only giveen 7 years because he had not meant to kill her. Only her sister(his wife).They called it manslaughter instead of murder.He actually only served 4 years. Good Behavior.

  3. Not in my family but that of my cousins.Son tortured Mother and forced her to commit suicide.Though it was not murder it is murder in disguise.Cruel people.Hate them.

  4. yes, my husband was involved in the plotting to kill his brother. don't want to get into details........

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