
Have any of you ever heard of this therapy?

by Guest57103  |  earlier

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And do you think it is a valid therapy in light of what can happen?




  1. I have heard of it and I find it repulsive. People are born once. If that caused them issues then the issues need to be dealt with. Rebirthing is even stupid sounding, bit of an oxymoron, emphasis on the moron. I've heard of numerous deaths involving this process and it disgusts me. Perhaps if the subject was a consenting adult I would accept it more. Adults do crazy things in their search for healing. But to force it upon a child who most likely can not comprehend the basis for it let alone the actual act it is just sick.

  2. Just goes to show how badly *some* *parents* need the child that they adopted give in, give up, and accept them as THE parents.

    Totally abusive c**p. The adults involved should be sentenced to life in prison. How f*cking sad.

  3. I've never heard of it and I've had some exposure to child therapy.  I suppose it was supposed to have been a bonding experience between adoptive parent/child.  But, the people doing this "therapy" were just stupid.  After 10-15 minutes, they should have realized that this wasn't working.  I suspect that this was their only "technique" and wouldn't have known what else to do if it wasn't working.  Poor child.

    If it was their intent to recreate the birthing process, they missed the mark.  In reality birthing requires the mother to undergo the most effort, not the infant being born.  I think they were just trying to create a cathartic moment so the mom would think they had actually done something.

  4. No.

    That is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard.

    They should be jailed.

  5. Info here on why the ideas behind attachment therapy are invalid, and on how many children it has killed.

    This stuff terrifies me.

  6. I have heard of this from many sources, and in nearly every case, it came to light because something horribly wrong happened. My understanding is that it is not an accepted practice, it has never produced certifiably positive results, and ends in tragedy far too often. I can't understand any parent letting their child partake in this, but then again, my child is rather normal. Well, as normal as any young teen girl can be ;)

  7. This is MURDER !

    NOT therapy or rebirth

  8. I have heard of this.  It absolutely should not be used.  It is dangerous.

  9. I think it is c**p and it is dangerous. It is controversial for a reason. Theya re wrapping a child up in a blanket and forcing him to try and fight his way out as his parents and therapist hold him into it. I can oly imagine the 'love' that is felt at that moment when the terrified youngster is rolled up and held tightly in a blanket trying to get out.

    I never even read the article I just clicked on the first one and saw 'rebirthing'. I have heard enough about this uncertified practice.

  10. Obviously its total pointless c**p....and why was that 10 year old put through that? Where were her parents????

  11. It is disgusting and distrubing. They caused the death of an innocent little girl. If the adoptive mother was having trouble with her, i'm sure there were other ways to help her. She didn't have to do this.

  12. I heard about it before and I saw it on Law and Order, or maybe it was CSI? I don't think that it seems like a valid therapy at all. It seems counter-active especially when it resulted in that poor girls death. If people have issues they can go to counseling and not subject children to things like this.

  13. I read both articles and have been haunted by this story since I read about it this morning.  

    The articles that you gave show that a child can be killed using this therapy.  OF COURSE no one is going to say it's valid, given that a 10 year old girl was brutally killed.

    What is the point of posting this question?

  14. I believe Law & Order did an episode covering this topic.  Do I think it's a valid therapy?  No.....

  15. That's the sickest thing ever. Some adoptive parents have some serious insecurities about not giving birth. An adoptive parent needs to be secure in who they are before they adopt. This reminds me of that lady who wore that stupid adoption shirt to the OBGYN.

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