
Have any of you ever received a gift from beyond?

by  |  earlier

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I already posted this but it wound up in Marriange and Divorce LOL.




  1. yes when i was doing the right thing and on the right path

  2. hi kimberlee, i have been given a gift from beyond..bit like denies answer...when i pray for answers, or searching for answers, i will recieve my answer in some sort of all started with the number 333, when i was searching for answers of my partner...the only help and truth i recieved was from above...the number 333 is associated with my partner...and i have proof its not confirmation bias, but real signs, that led me to the truth...i could share my story with a couple of people, but not openly...its when i had my first encounter with angels and numbers...when it first started happening i did not understand it, so i started researching angels and their communication...a person doesnt have to be pyschic, to recieve answers...if we really want to know something it will be answered in some form, we just cannt shrug it off as a coincidence....alot of times some one will come along to give us answers...this is something that i have alot of interest in...something i never knew about until something went wrong, and i couldnt find the truth, only from my angels...

  3. what does it mean to get your gift from beyond, i usually just get gifts from other people

  4. Well, I guess it depends on what you'd consider a gift. The simple fact that I have contact with my deceased relatives from beyond the grave is gift enough. I never got to say goodbye to my father, nobody told me he'd been sick until after he passed. I saw it as a huge gift that I was able to feel and hear his spirit around me.

  5. I'm sure I have..things were continuously happening & my prayers being answered..but they usually had to come through people. I'd ask God to put it in someone's heart to help me. What gifts have you received that prompted you to ask this question?

  6. LOL. Indeed. Especially since you seem to be expecting different answers over here...

    Anyway. I usually get my gifts from the department store which gets the merchandise mostly from China.

    So, in a sense, yes, It all comes from "beyond".


  7. Yes, everyday.  The gifts are all around you, you just need to recognize them for what they are.

  8. I have received a gift from beyond my financial means.

    The idea that one can receive a gift from "beyond" presupposes the existence of a beyond.  Any subjective experience can be deemed to have a source from the great beyond if one already believes in it.

  9. A gift from beyond implies that there is a conscious mind (beyond Divine conscious), that can interact and change things in the world of the living. I think a dead person can leave a legacy that can help their loved ones long after they have gone from this world, but they can not "do" anything after they are gone.

  10. This may not answer your guestion, but to me it was indeed a gift from the other side. It had been month's after my daughter had died and I was not doing well with it at all...I was looking at her thing's in one of my many breakdown's, when I fell asleep holding her thing's, I had a dream she was on the lap of my brother who had pasted when I was four. He was smiling at me and she was setting up grabbing at her feet...Same thing happened to my mother when my brother got killed, my Mother all but lost her mind and still had the rest of us to deal with. She woke us all up one night and took us all back to her bed and told us about the dream that she had just had. My brother had come to her in a field of flowers, telling her he was ok and that she shouldn't worry about him anymore. To this day if any of us are in trouble my brother pop's in, I have posted another story on here about the time that he save my youngest bro, so believe it or not, that's up to the reader, as for me I am grateful, that we have those that love us so much that they come back often to let us know that they are watching.   Rock On!!!

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