I had surgery ten days ago (everything went very well, and I'm able to bend my left knee for the first time in over a year again — YEA!), but ever since I had surgery, I've been having mood swings.
Some solicitor called last Wednesday on a phishing expidition: he said he was from a collection company, so I asked him some baiting questions and he took the bait — upon which I confronted him. When he became defensive and tried to defend his behavior, I absolutely *blew up* at him and ended up screaming torrents of profanities at him!
This is NOT something I normally do.
I found out on Friday that I was going to have to wear anti-embolism hose for two months to prevent blood clots (which run rampant in my family — in my family, if you don't die of cancer, you're going to die of a stroke!) — and when my partner started going on and on and on about how I'll have to make sure to wear these day and night — I blew up at him, too!
After surgery, I went through three days where I had more or less continuous hiccups (which was annoying), but these mood swings are *weird*.
Anyone else here experienced side effects (like mood swings) from anaesthesia following surgery?
I'm posting this here because frankly, I trust answers from g*y folks who have had surgery more than I trust answers from straight folks who may be dealing with their own homophobia — and right now, I just might blow up at them, too!