
Have any of you found your bparents have crimnal ......?

by  |  earlier

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....back grounds and did it bother you or were you just happy to find them? Thank you.




  1. not me

  2. Well, my bdad tells rather unbelievable stories about having been an international spy...does that count?

    btw:  I never believed any of it.

  3. Yes I did. And that really hurt and showed me that they were only interested in themselves and no one else.

  4. my dad does, i could care less, he's still my dad.

  5. There are several adoptive parents of children from foster care that I know who acutally have direct notifcation from the state about any releases--relotcations--relockups of bio parents whom are in the criminal system.....

    The AP's will get an email or text message that just states the fact a "change" was made to ____ and the date and time.

    Actually in some states anyone can register to be notified of the movements of a convicted criminal. In Oregon as long as you have the persons full name and birthday...

    My point is that there are lots of adoptees who have bio parents who are criminals and it would be helpful for the AP's to let the adoptees know this during life rather than find out later when they search....  

    Our children were given a Life Book from the state and sadly it actually tells the whole criminal history of their mother...  This seems like one of the issues that could hurt very badly....

    Many children from Foster care are children who have paents with a criminal history and the adoptive parents often get the information about the criminal hisotry up to the time of placement when they have the child join the family. Partly so that we know in the even the biological parent is a possible threat...

    I woulf be interested in how adoptees feel when they learn about their biological parents have a criminal history and if they would have wanted to know more sooner or if they would have rather not known anything until later....

  6. I was removed from my home due to criminal activity.  I have no desire to contact them now or ever.

  7. My bdad was in jail when I was born. Was always in and out of jail. He was killed in an automobile accident (he was drunk ) thankfully he didn't hurt or kill anyone else. Never met him had the chance refused. I'm just glad I didn't have to be raised by an abusive  drunk. Being drunk is not why he was in jail.

  8. My brother found out that his bio dad had an extensive criminal record and was basically not a nice guy.  He was abusive to his bio mom and forced her to put him up for adoption.  Very little bothers my bro, but this REALLY did. In his case his mother found him.  He really didn't want to meet her but did thinking it would be the nice thing to do for her.  He regrets it.  Maybe in time he will see things differently.  But his was not a happy reunion.

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