
Have any of you got children who're on adhd meds?

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How bad do things have to get before the paeds suggest medication to help with a child's adhd?

I've been told by the paediatrician that as long as my son is coping okay at school then he doesn't need medication, but things at home are very stressful.

What's the point of only medicating to assist with academic performance if things at home are disintergrating?

I'm following all the parenting strategies in order to cope and he's kept under control with no delinquency etc. but the stress is killing us.

Do any of you have any experience of adhd meds? How do they help and what are the effects like to live with.

Don't be damning towards me for asking this and don't give me the usual "you're a bad parent" rhetoric, as I'm a very good parent, but until you've lived with this you don't know how it feels.




  1. Well, I dont think your a bad parent at all, but I am against meds. Have you tried the Fengold diet?  or looked into other alternatives?

    good luck

  2. My son is 10 and has ADHD. he is currently on the Daytrana Patch. He refused to take a pill and has said that he chokes on them. I love the Daytrana Patch.

    Some bad parts about it is that the backing won't come off and I need to use some extra med tape to make sure it doesn't come off.

    As for physical side effects it's the same with all meds. And the main one is stunted growth and weight gain (the lack of) and sleeping problems.

    My kid was diagnosed at 4 and I insisted that he have some kind of med. we went through several before we found the patch and it works well for him.

  3. Yes, I had a sports star, and Dr. Recommend it. She turned into a zombie... I took her off and she went back to normal. I disciplined her for not paying attention in school and got my point across with her, and not she is my little sports star and straight A student. I dont like medicated kids at all. I think it is an excuse for a lazy parent.

  4. He may be imitating someone at School  who acts up and see how Much attention that Kid gets and may need the same attention from you. maybe he needs to express something to you and just don't know how. You definately dont sound like a bad parent. I'd say don't give him any medication just yet. This may just be a TEMPORARY STAGE for him. Im sure things will get better and I personally think these Meds are going to make things worst in the long run. BE PATIENT There shouldn't be any EASY way out of PARENTING even if it gets a little or alot CHALLENGING. YOU raise your child Dont let some Pills Raise HIM

  5. I work in education and have seen quite a lot of adhd kids. they are generally on the very intelligent side and cope better in structured situations. for eg ours go mad in PE or drama lessons more than in maths which may explain why he is doing OK at school. Be hard to provide that level of structure at home though and I sympathise. They tend to either have multiple doses like one before school and one at lunch time for eg or one single dose which tends to wear off faster. As far as I know the drugs don't calm them down but bring burn them out so they are calmer sooner- could be wrong. In my experience though they just don't work and some kids turn into zombies whereas others just stay uncontrollable.I saw a documentary on Montel Williams a month ago which was extremely interesting where these children were taking medicinal cannabis. it is NOT the same as the drug abused by people and gives no medical high, it is not available in the UK, but had really turned these kids life around. Try some research on that and all the best. It is exhausting.

  6. My son, who is now 10, has been on medications for his adhd since he was 6. Things got pretty bad for a while, and I know all too well the stress you are talking about. I actually had to have mobile crisis come to my home because he was so out of control and I was afraid for him. Now, the pediatrician will not and cannot prescribe adhd med without proof and documentation that he has adhd. You should, as I did, set up a meeting at your school with the principal, guidance counselor, etc. to request that the school psychologist look in on him during class to see if he is fidgety or paying attention or not. Also, the psychologist should talk to your son one on one. This is how I got my sons dr to prescribe him the meds. Warning: Be very careful with Ridilin. My son took it the first 1 1/2 yrs and lost so much weight, very unhealthy, couldnt sleep wouldnt eat, saw things, heard things, began having problems. Email me or message me and I will tell you more. Good luck.

  7. both of my kids were on meds from 1st grade up. the oldest one grew out of it, but the youngest one you cannot control without them. He's a mile a minute and can't even sit still for 5 minutes.

    The only issue I have had is that if the meds are too strong, they get zombi-ish, like they are in a daze. They usually start out with the lowest dose possible to avoid this happening.

    The meds usually work into the evening after school and wear off around dinner time, but it is a medicine and it is constantly in their sysytem so they are never really off it. It does calm him down and makes life bearable, if they get him on the right ones. We have went through 4 different kinds.

    The only issue we have had is it kills their appetite and he hardly eats much so we have to buy him ensure type drinks for kids. He always had insomnia, but the meds just make it worse so he is also on clonidine to help him sleep.

    those are my major issues, the loss of appetite and sleeplessness. But I don't have to constantly get on to him for everything anymore and it makes life bearable.

    hope it helps.

    (for all the naysayers, yes meds are prescribed way too much in this world, but some kids do actually need it to function. I know from experience.)

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