
Have any of you had a good gymnastic experience?

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My sisters have been doing gymnastics for most of their sad little lives, and even this thing they do almost everyday and win tons of medals for dont bring em much happiness. I swear every coach i met is a freakin loser or spycho path. my oldest sister was practicing at this gym called Nasa and was harrased by this coach who kept on calling her fat, and even me being a brother and not caring about this stuff, i dont think she even qaulifies for such abuse, shes not fat, not even close and i think she might be developing a mild form of anerexia. my other sisters who are 15 and below are going through a punishment too. the coaches either quit or say something stupid, or cant teach worth a doggy bag of c**p. I dont like my sisters going through such a ordeal which takes them away from home for it takes an hour just 1 get to the gym and 6 hours of training and school which gives em almost zero minuets of a social life. ok before i go even more into a rambling rant have any of you gone to a clean nice looking gym with great coaches?

oh and i been thinking this issue is even serious enough to write to Oprah or the Philman. take this on TV and hopefully this could bring change to what may be a c**p sport here in the state of Washington. you think i should or is will it make it worse and put us in a cheesy situation?




  1. poor, you. i live in Australia so i can't help. P>S. hoo is Oprah?

    Why am I a jerk?

    You said that on my question!

  2. i have been going to gymnastics since i was 4 and the gym i go to is great! the coaches are really nice and dont push you if you dont feel your ready. the gym is very clean except around the chalk bucket..but you would expect that.

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