
Have any of you had an IV inserted in your chest?

by  |  earlier

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Its for an infection MRSA i got from a spider bite, they set up an appt on Wednesday for me to get an IV put in my chest.That will remain there, for me to continue coming back to get medicine in it. I never had anything like this, Im not really sure what the Dr is talking about, can you explain.




  1. go onto wikipedia and check out what a PICC line is.  I've had one, and it's inserted through your vein all the way until it's into your heart.  i had a picc line in for a month and a half, and you can't really feel it, and as long as it's kept sterile, there shouldn't be a problem with it.

  2. Sounds like your going to get what they call a Port-A-Cath, yes it is a IV that enters a main vain for LONG term antibiotic use such as what you may be needing to cure your MRSA. IVs that are placed in peoples arms are for SHORT term therapy only. Good Luck !!

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