
Have any of you had sucess teaching your horse to bow?

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i just started trying to teach my horse to bow

if you had success teaching how long did it take?

its takeing awhile. do i say bow when the horse is completely bowing or right before




  1. I haven't really tried, but I know people who can.

  2. yes you say bow when her leg is just abou tto touch the ground.

    what i did was i picked up his foot and then i placed the treat between his legs. as he reached down to get the treart, i GENTLY pulled his leg back and moved the treat down towards the ground.when he was in the bowing postition i gave him the treat. heres link to how i got to learn how to teach them.

    i am yet to find a way to teach him to lie down.

  3. yes!

    two horses i trained to do it caught on very fast (3 days or so) my one horse is a lost cause. She just doesn't get it.

    The horses that i successfully trained to do it i used treats and just my hand. I know some people use a clicker or a whip but i don't know how to do clicker training and i didn't deem the whip nessesary.

    What i did was show the horse the treat and tap them between their front legs. That would make the horse do the bowing on its neck. Next i would teach them to lift one leg while lowerin thir head. Soon i would just make my horse reach farther for the treat and she would go down on the knee i asked her to earlier pick up. For a while i would tap her on the chest and say bow and she would do it and now i just say bow.

    My mare is to arthritic now to go down on her knee so if your horse is old i don't reccomend it. She still lifts her leg and puts her head down in a motified bow. Teach the horse on safe footing preferably in an arena.

    Good luck teaching your horse how to bow

  4. HAHA, I had waaaay too much success, now my horse bows whenever I go into his stall, whenever I feed him, if I have treats in my pocket, etc.

    I use the command of tapping on my horse's shoulder by his withers for a command (so I could do it on the ground, or in the saddle).  I would let him smell the treat, then tap him on the shoulder, then pull the treat between his front legs, and make him at least stretch a little for it.

    Then, when he got pretty automatic about bending down for the treat with the tap on the shoulder, I would pull it farther back, so he'd kick one front leg out, and bend the other leg under.  I would do it a few times a day, every day.  Within a few weeks, he was really good at it.  I've taught 3 or so horses to bow using that technique.

    Good luck!  If you want a vocal command, I'm sure they could learn it to, use the same principal but replace the tap with the word.

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