
Have any of you heard about using the force of gravity as an alternative energy source?

by  |  earlier

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Other nations are looking into improving and developing alternative energy sources including the force of gravity.

Our government and media have not even mentioned its use as an alternative. Why not?

I have written an article about this subject, it can be found at:

Have any of you seen or heard anything about using gravity?




  1. There has been all kinds of claims of doing this or doing that to make cheep energy but the truth be known

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    We are back to square one you have to have a power source that will create enough out put power to create electrical energy

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    And gravity to be one of them is like using wind to take care of all our energy problems

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    Till night fall and the wind stops blowing

    ,, , ,

  2. The energy in the gravitational field between two masses can be converted into usable energy whenever the two masses are brought together. That's how hydroelectric dams work, for example; water falls to the Earth and the gravitational potential energy is converted into rotational energy using turbines. Those turbines generate alternating current for transmission. Neither link you included suggest any more exotic means of drawing power out of the gravitational field than that. If you have something more interesting in mind, I suggest you include a link that actually discusses it.

  3. " What goes up must come down spinning wheel got to go round"


    What comes down must be pushed back up with energy.

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