
Have any of you recently had surgery for scoliosis?

by  |  earlier

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i am most likely going to have surgery for scoliosis within a couple years, im 17 and have had surgery for it before but rods were only placed at the bottom of my back where the curve was, now the curve is getting worse above the rods so they are probably going to have to go back in and put rods up and down my entire spine, just wondering hows life after the rods are put it in? and did u have any complications?




  1. i just had it a month ago.  the first week was very painful, a few days after that i was only taking tylenol for the pain, and now i'm not taking any pain meds.  life after the rods were put in has been pretty boring, lol.  i mostly lay or sit around all day because it's a hassle getting up and standing or walking.  that's because i'm newly anemic, i lost a bit more blood than expected during the surgery so i feel weak and dizzy if i stand or walk for more than a couple of minutes.  though, i'm getting better; a few days ago i went to the park and took a 30-minute walk along the boardwalk.  i also feel a bit of numbness in my left thigh, and my back, although the orthopaedist says it's normal and should go away eventually.  

    so, thankfully i  don't have any major complications, just minor annoying problems that should disappear.  when you heal completely you'll be able to do all of the things you used to.  i can't wait to walk normally and go out, ride my bike, swim, and go on roller coasters again :) good luck.

  2. Hi my little brother has scoliosis and kyfosis.  He had surgery to put a rod in his spine about 4 years ago. He is wheelchair bound though and non-verbal so I don't know totally how he felt.  He recovered perfectly though and now is much more comfortable with lying down and sitting.  Good luck!

  3. HEYYY i have scoliosis too!!!!!!!

    but its not that extreme. good luck.

  4. I had a second fusion, but it was for degenerated discs below the first fusion.  My first fusion was posterior (through the back) but my second was anterior/posterior (A/P).

    Life after the new rods are put in will be pretty much like after your first operation.  One big difference will be that you'll have less flexibility than you had before.  Outside of that, you'll probably not notice too much difference.

    If your operation significantly changes (like mine did, posterior vs A/P), you'll notice a great deal of change in how you recover and how much time it takes to recover.

    No complications at all, really.  Any problems I have now are unrelated to the 2nd fusion.

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