
Have any of you wives made your husband play with your realistic dong?

by  |  earlier

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Like a strap on or something.

My lover wants to mount me, should I let her?





  1. hey why not.. if my man would let me, or wanted me to, i would... if you're both for it, then i think its cool to like to please eahc other.. and from what i hear, men love it!!!

  2. If your willing to give it a try, why not...we really can't answer that question for you, it's about your own personal comfort level in the bedroom

  3. My ex boyfriend asked for it. He practically climbed up the wall loving it. lol

  4. My wife does me once in a while, I really like it.

  5. If you want it, go for it  :)

  6. Baby you got a little taste. I've got thrusting hips!! Watch out... lol

  7. When you let her jack hammer your doo-doo hole, maintain a position where she can reach over and give you a good tug job at the same time.  Wear some goggles too.  My woman tells me it burns when the spray gets in her eyes.

  8. Oh **** lmao, I think I just peed a little. Go watch the movie "Young People F*cking" It's not p**n, don't worry.  

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