
Have any of your babies had strep throat?

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I have it, and im scared i might have given it to my 6 month old daughter. have any of your young children had it? if so what did you do?




  1. It's rare, but possible, for your infant to get strep throat. Make sure you're taking your antibiotic as prescribed. Don't kiss baby on the mouth. Try your best to avoid straight-on contact with her (ie. talking closely to her face, etc.). Other than that, there's not much else you can do. If you start to notice that she's fussier than normal, is running a fever, our her voice sounds hoarse, call her pediatrician right away, to get her checked out.  

  2. I have heard doctors say that a baby can't get strep.  However my niece got it when she was only 3 months old and she was breastfed (never had even 1 bottle).

    I guess I would just watch her.  If she starts acting sick then take her to the doctor.  They can put her on an antibiotic to get rid of it.  If you have shared food or drinks with her before you got on medicine then you should probably tell her doctor.  They may just put her on some meds or they might give her a strep test.

    Good luck to you!  I know it really stinks to be sick when you have a baby to take care of:(  God bless!

  3. I asked my doctor this same question just a few months ago. Strep throat was going around the daycare and my 12 month old was sick. The doctor said it sure LOOKED like strep, so she did a swab, despite saying that babies under 2 almost NEVER get strep. The test came back negative. No strep.

    It's possible, but unlikely that your baby has strep. She can still get a cold and a sore throat, though.

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