
Have any of your kids said the darnedest things lately?

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Last night I was frying chicken, & my friend's coworker's 5-yr. old son asked me, "Aren't you going to get carbo-de-hydrated from eating all that flour off of that chicken?" & everyone laughed. So I said, "Not really." & then he said, "Yuh, huh! (meaning yes) 'Cuz my mommy says so."




  1. HAHA! That's great!!  

  2. That's cute.

    Here's one

    My husband is deployed right now.  So every night at bedtime, my children and I gather in my room and crowd on my bed to pray for Daddy's safety.  We take turns praying and we all say what is on our minds.  My four year old understands that we are praying for daddy's safety, but of course he doesn't understand WHAT dangers Daddy faces while deployed in Iraq.  So he prays for his daddy to be safe from the dangers he understands.  

    Last night he prayed, "...and please make sure my daddy doesn't step on any stickers or get eaten by a bear or 'stinged' by a bee or fall in a big hole".  It is so sweet and cute to listen to him pray.  Tears fill my eyes as I smile.

  3. Yes my daughter said two things yesterday.  During kindgergarten testing her teacher was seeing if she knew about rhyming words so with the first word she said what goes with bed.  My daughter thought for a minute and said "it sounds like its time to go to sleep".  The teacher smiled then said what about pot.  My daughter thought again and said "lets make a pie!".  The teacher just thought those were cute and funny responses and loves her immagination.

    Oh yes and for her birthday she wanted a Dora pinata because she has a big head and said she would be easy to hit! lol (this came from a very shy and non violent little girl).

  4. That's so cute!  Kids are like that.  My 7 yo makes me laugh every day.

  5. That's cute.  My kids are too old for cute, they always want money.  

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