
Have any one bought secure smile teeth before...if so how did they look

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i lost a tooth and right now i cant afford to get it fixed. i wanted to know could this work temporary. thanks




  1.  Please, anyone who is thinking about buying the Secure Smile... DO NOT PURCHASE THIS! I know it's cheap and you think it can't hurt to try, but I am telling you now it is NOT worth it! They look like prank teeth for Halloween. It's way to much gums, and it makes you look like a horse. I learned the hard way, I bought these, and I regretted wasting my $15.00. It was TOTALLY laughable. I can't imagine that they would make anyone look normal. There is no possible way! 

    I am waiting on the Imako to get here, but I'm pretty sure it was a waste of money, too. I just wanted to give it a try. I will see when they get here, and hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised. It seems as though the only option is to get the dental work done, people. 

    I don't have the money right this second to get the dental work done. I have one tooth to the left of my front 2 teeth that has chipped, and wore away over the last year. That is my ONLY problem with my front teeth other than some discoloring from smoking and sodas. I just wanted something to make my teeth look better for my wedding pictures. After my wedding, I will have insurance and can get them fixed. The Secure Smile seriously looked like a horse, my upper lip poked out like Bubba off of Forrest Gump, and the teeth were huge. Please, do not waste you money. If I can save one person from feeling the dissapointment that I felt when I put them in my mouth, then my job is done!


  2. I have tried both and the Secure Smile is the only realistic ones.  Wins hands down and has changed my life.  I buy 3 sets a year.  Highly recommend.

  3. I have bought secure smile. I was happy with them, they are not a replacement for the thousands of dollars most will need to fix their teeth however they are a good alternative for things like weddings, sporting events or times you want to be out in public without being embarassed by your ugly or broken smile. For the money I spent Im very happy with what I got. I cannot afford the thousands it will take to correct my current issues. I bought mine from

  4. I have used both the Secure Instant Smile Teeth from Dr. Bailey and The Imako Cosmetic Teeth. In my book, the only way to go between the two are with Imako. The Secure Instant Smile Teeth are very brittle. They will break easily if sqished in your pocket when you take them out to eat.( I broke my first set the very first day. Lucky for me, I bought two sets of them ) Also, they have a hard band at the bottom of the teeth that I found made them ride lower than your natural teeth making them look wierd. You cant smile real big with them as they will tell off on you that you are wearing them.They do not go as far back to the back teeth in your mouth as the Imako teeth do. They also are thicker, and can make your upper lip look fatter. The Imako Cosmetic teeth fit soooooo much better. They are thinner, and cover more of your teeth that are farther back in your mouth. You can smile real big, so they still look more real. They are softer, and more flexable, so they do not break. The only hold back  with Imako is that if you are a smoker, they will turn brown more quickly. They are made of a soft rubber type of material. The Secure Teeth are more of an acrylic material making them a little less prone to staining, but a whole lot more brittle. I probably didnt spell that correctly. Anyway, Imako is the only way to go in my book. I have worn them for going on 2 years now. Not the same set mind you. I am a smoker, and sometimes do not take them out to smoke, so they turn brown. I have bought a set set about every 4-6 months due to my heavy smoking. Cleaning them in a denture cleaner helps, but the soft rubber type material does still allow them to get permanently stained. They even feel much better in your mouth. If Imako would use the same material for the teeth part, yet still retain their flexability and fit, then you would have the PERFECT set of cosmetic teeth.That my 2 cents. Take it for what its worth!! Try them both, and you will see and feel the difference. Short on cash, take my word and go with Imako. You wont be sorry!! I dont have any website with links to either company. I wish I could get paid for my opinion, but I am not. I am just an every day consumer trying to help people out on their decision making of which teeth to go with. Hope this helps you out! Good luck, and good smiling!!

  5. Do they fit right over your own teeth what if your teeth are gapped. How long do they stay on after you fit it to your teeth.

  6.  Check out the The HillyBilly Teeth Store i bought mine for 14.99  It made me go out more i always hated pictures now i love them


  7. No! Do not waste your money on this c**p, if you can't already afford a Dentist.

    They're sold on Ebay for half the price that "Secure Smile" sells them for, and there they're called "Costume teeth". They're not even quality enough to be considered worthy of even that cheap title.

    They're c**p! Secure Smile sells them for nearly 50.00$ and when you get them in the mail you'll be ticked off you spent more than 50 cents.

    Save your money and get an implant or a prosthetic. Do the research on line for options. Real Dental options. Because these fake veneers don't allow you to eat or drink with them in, they're purely cosmetic. The thing is, you'll be mad as all get out that they don't fit well enough even for that. Cheap! Would be giving them credit.

    They're worthless. But sadly enough, it's costly to find that out!

  8. I have used the Secure Smile teeth for over a year and am very happy with them. I have found they only stay looking good for a few months, but buying them 3 to 4 times a year is still much cheaper than any other solution. BE SURE TO BUY THEM FROM THE site as they are $19.95 verses other resellers such as which sell the same product for $37.95 "sale price" and $8.95 shipping and handling, so don't get ripped off by greedy resellers such as them.

  9. I've been wearing the secure smile for almost a year now, and even with the unfortunate breaking of them (take care when you sneeze), slight staining due to smoking, and lack of care on my part, they are great.  They've restored a great deal of confidence, as I work with the public. I don't leave the house without wearing them.

  10. I think they are great, they will do me till I get a false tooth sorted out,very easy to fit and comfortable to wear

  11. I have tried both the Imako and the secure Smile teeth and the secure Smile teeth HANDS DOWN are the husband and I both wear them. The look completely natural and are well worth the under $49!! Good luck!

  12. Guest16502185, If you are referring to my (Guest15971064) answer, I am in no way working for the company and NO, my face appears NOWHERE on any marketing materials. In fact, my face appears nowhere at all, so I don't know how you could make that claim. My mouth appears on my website. That's it. I am a real consumer and DAILY WEARER of Secure Smile teeth and love the product. My answer is TRUE and HONEST. Had I ordered only the Imako teeth I probably would have never ordered the Secure Smile after feeling burned. I would have assumed that the cheaper product was a bigger joke than the Imako, and I would have been wrong. Fortunately, I purchased both the Secure Smile teeth and the Imako teeth at the same time, so I was able to make an HONEST side-by-side comparison. The Secure Smile teeth have truly changed my life. My objective is to save someone from making a mistake that could prevent them from regaining their life. I promote it because I believe in it.

  13. To the gentleman who answered the question. You are the only one I am finding to answer any questions. Also, It's your face on the pamphlet that is sent with the secure smile teeth. Do you work for the company? I just wish someone would give a TRUE and HONEST answer to those who are in need. How can we trust you and your advice? Your the only one "promoting" this item.

  14. Yes. I love them! I actually purchased the Imako and the Secure Smile teeth and compared the two. The secure smile is by far the better product in my opinion (and my wife and daughter). Definitely more realistic looking. I documented my comparison for others to benefit, including my own photos. You can read it at and view the photos. I hope this helps.

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