
Have any other adoptees thought about having their natural parent(s) re-adopt them?

by Guest59127  |  earlier

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I am currently in the process of initiating an adult adoption order between my natural mom and myself. Just to make it legal. I am already a family member and her daughter in all ways. I'm just curious if any other reunited adoptees have also thought of legalizing the bond with their natural parents.




  1. no because the only mom and dad I know of is the one that adopted me they were there for me through everything through every cry and trouble I had. They showed me what a real family was. And even though they dont have much they do with out things so I could have the nessary items i need. See I dont even know how i am paying for collage but my parents are the best there Gaurdian Angels sent by God

  2. Oh yes lets all say how ungrateful a child would be for wanting to be re-connected legally to the woman who gave birth to them! Way to go making someone feel bad, kudos to you! I have a question for all of you. Why should any child unadopted or adopted be grateful to the people who raised them? Surely that is the job parents sign up for, and giving our children the things parents should give them is our duty, and our privilege!

    My daughter is also considering this, I have told her I would adopt her back in a heartbeat, but it has to be her decision. Made for her reasons and not because it is my wish. I say good for you! I am glad you are taking this step to be fully -reunited with your mother and family. Perhaps some will see this as a slap in the face to your adoptive parents, I see it as righting a wrong done to you and to your mother. Not every adoptee wants to do this, and that is perfectly ok. Not every mother will want this either and that is also ok. I believe it depends on the people involved and the circumstances surrounding their adoption.

    BTW don't let the naysayers bother you too much. Every one needs to do what is right for them.

  3. No.  Not really.

    But I am happy that is a choice for you.  I wish you the best.

  4. Absolutely not, heck I don’t even know them nor plan to ever know them. But to all their own.

  5. Actually, I had not thought of it but I love the idea.  I don't know if I could do it if my a-mom was still living (she is) but I would definitely make an effort after she passed away.

  6. I have a friend who did just that and has been happy as a clam ever since.  Good choice!  Congratulations!

  7. Isn't that a slap in the parents that raised you's face.  

    Unless they were just awful to you, I would say you were being ungrateful.

  8. It has crossed my mind.. I'm not willing to hurt my parents that way.

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