
Have any other species developed trends of pedophilia?

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Edit: Thanks for the responses. If any of you are able to cite studies/books/research that cover the subject that would be awesome. The reason I ask is because the subject of pedophilia was recently brought up in a chatroom I frequent. Personally, I am appalled by pedophilia and I am for harsher punishment of pedophiles, I understand that this is a delicate subject and don't really want to get into a moral debate over what is considered civil. What I'm asking was touched on in Jim's response, whether animals will mate with offspring or other young animals of it's species for sexual gratification without intention to reproduce. Any and all response is appreciated!




  1. No species would develop a such a trait.  The trait is as unusual in Nature as it is in Man.  It is indeed a human behavior to actually seek out have s*x with a child.

    There have been examples of it in Nature, but it is not because the animal desired to mate with a young one.  It is known that closed undersized populations of the cheetah have had to result to this.  You see in Nature the urge to reproduce is second only to that of survival.  So a female is gonna find a mate wherever she can.  Humans, have a choice.  

    Animals held in captivity exhibit all sorts of what we humans think of as unusual behavior.  Your pets may exhibit this behavior.  However this behavior is not a sign of any trend, only a sign of being held captive.

    Edit:  This is in responce to a comment posted, that shows total ignorance.

    We humans have evolved over about 10 million year period.  During the vast majority of human evolution we behaved more primitively that we have learned to be.  Although humans think they are civilized, we have actually been civil a very short time.  You can bet that primative humans did all sorts of things regarding sexuality.  It is the civil human that has classified certain sexual characteristics as socailbly inacceptable.  So that means these behaviors exist many millions of years without any check or balances.  These undesirable sexual behaviors still exist and will always exist.  In certain cultures today, they are more prominet than others.

  2. It is important that terms here are precisely defined.

    "Pedophilia" is the sexual attraction to prepubescent individuals, whether or not it is acted upon. Obviously we cannot know an animal's attraction, but what we can observe is its behavior. By definition, any s*x act with a juvenile would be incapable of resulting in procreation.

    The short answer to your question is yes. Among bonobo monkeys, for example, s*x is used in ALL age and s*x combinations to ease conflicts and tension. It should not be surprising then that they are also one of the most peaceful species on the planet.

    "The first reports on the bonobo's remarkable sexual behavior resulted from observations of captive animals in German zoos and at the Yerkes Primate Center (Atlanta, Georgia, USA), followed by field research by a Japanese team at Wamba and a European/American team at Lomako Forest, both in Zaire."

    "Humans' close primate relative, the bonobo, shows a large amount of intergenerational sexual behavior. As in other primates, this behavior can partly be explained as an exploration and preparation for adult reproductive s*x.

    Yet, the specific context in which intergenerational s*x occurs among captive bonobos suggests an important additional function, which also applies to this species' intragenerational s*x. Sociosexual behavior occurs in all possible age and s*x combinations as a mechanism of reassurence and appeasement. This function of sexual behavior patterns does not interfere with the fertilization function of these patterns, because males appear to limit penetration and ejaculation to contacts with mature females."

    Dr. John Money has described "juvenile sexual rehearsal play" which occurs in several species of man's closest relatives, the primates. More than merely observed, it has been established that it is absolutely NECESSARY to ensure successful adult mating.

    Check sources for more.

  3. In a manner of speaking, yes. For example, it is common for adult male stoats to enter a den containing baby stoats whilst the mother is absent, and mate with all the females. Their eggs will be fertilized, but will not implant until the females are old enough to carry them to term - pregnancy then progresses and the females give birth. This is a way of getting a headstart on breeding for a species which often does not live very long.

  4. chimpanzees, and dolphins have been known to do such things.  I would assume that any animal that has s*x for pleasure, like humans do, can have that trait.  

    I am certainly no pedophile, but, it is a social trend of ours to consider it wrong.  It was only only 100 years ago (maybe less) when it was normal for a man to be aloud to marry a 12 year old woman.

    Edit: this is in response to a response

    Civil is just a word.  What some cultures and people consider civil in one area, time period, or country can be completely different from another.  

    what is considered moral and immoral is all dependent on our society.  It is not a necessarily an individuals decision.

    For example: Is it civil for a person to marry another person from another race?  believe it or not, it was only a few years ago this was illegal in many states.  And,  many Americans still consider it wrong.  Of course this doesn't mean it truly is wrong.  It is society that determines right and wrong.  

    If you believe that Humans are more evolved than animals, I really question weather your a biologist or not.

    Edit:  I agree that pedophillia is wrong, but i think the people who commit it need mental help instead of harsher punishments.  (pedophillia is becoming the new "witch hunt" of today). and there are grey areas, such as s*x between a 16yo and a 19 yo. I have given you some links about dolphins and chimpanzees.  hope they help answer your question.

  5. many actually have this trait if fact most do. For example even your common housepet dogs and cats...the problem of this is the gene pool gets no infusion of fresh dna so when they have babies they are more likely to get diseases and deformities.

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