
Have any predictions of the 'old' testament come true, or are we still waiting for the foretold to happen?

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Have any predictions of the 'old' testament come true, or are we still waiting for the foretold to happen?




  1. Ten years from now, you will eat something.

    There, I made a prophecy.

    Lame? Yes, but it's basically the same kind of vague and well-founded prediction a scholar of the time could easily have made.

  2. Not a single "prophecy" is real or has come true.

    They are all too vague to be called that anyway.

  3. Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem.  Old Testament: Micah 5:2

    New Testament Fulfillment: Mattthew 2:1-6, Luke 2: 1-20

    Messiah was to be born of a virgin  Old Testament: Isaiah 7:14  New Testament fulfillment: Matthew 1: 18-25, Luke 1: 26-38

    Messiah was to be a prophet like Moses

    Old Testament: Deuteronomy 18: 15, 18, 19

    New Testament fulfillment: John 7:40

    Messiah was to enter Jerusalem in triumph

    OT: Zechariah 9:9

    NT fulfillment: Matthew 21:1-9, John 12: 12-16

    Messiah was to be rejected by His own people.

    OT: Isaiah 53: 1,4

    NT fulfillment: Matthew 26: 3,4; John 12: 37-34; Acts 4:1-12

    Messiah was to be betrayed by one of His followers.

    OT: Psalm 118:22, Psalm 41:9

    Messiah was to be tried and condemned.

    OT: Isaiah 53:8

    NT fulfillment: Matthew 27:1,2; Like 23: 1-25

    Messiah was to be silent before His accusers.

    OT: Isaiah 53:7

    NT fulfillment: Matthew 27: 12-14; MArk 15: 3,4; Luke 23: 8-10

    Messiah was to be struck and spat on by His enemies

    OT: 50:6

    NT fulfillment: Matthew 26:67; 27:30; Mark 14: 65

    Messiah was to be mocked and insulted.

    OT: Psalm 22:7,8

    NT: Matthew 27: 39-44; Luke 23: 11,35

    Messiah was to die by crucifixion

    OT: Psalm 22:14, 16, 17

    NT: Matthew 27:31; Mark 15:20,25

    Messiah was to suffer with criminals and pray for His enemies

    OT: Isaiah 53:12

    NT: Matt. 27:38; Mark 15: 27-28; Luke 23: 32-24

    Messiah was to be given sour wine

    OT: Psalm 69:21

    NT: Matt 27:34; John 19: 28-30

    Others were to throw dice for Messiah's garments.

    OT: Psalm 22:18

    NT Fulfillment: Matt 27:35; John 19: 23,24

    Messiah's bones were not to be broken.

    OT: Exodus 12: 46

    NT fulfillment: John 19: 31-36

    Messiah was to die as a sacrifice for sin.

    OT: Isaiah 53:5,6,8, 10, 11,12

    NT fulfillment: John 1:29; 11:49-52; Acts 10:43; 13:38, 39

    Messiah was to be raised from the dead.

    OT: Psalm 16:10

    NT fulfillment: Mat 28:1-10; Acts 2: 22-32

    Messiah is now at God's right hand

    OT: Psalm 110:1

    NT fulfillment: Mark 16:19, Luke 24: 50-51

  4. The writers of the New Testament went out of their way to claim that many had been fulfilled.

    The one which comes to mind is that Jesus tells a follower to go to a certain place where he will find a donkey.  Jesus rides the donkey into the city, thus fulfilling the prophecy in the Old Testament.

    Christians get excited by this kind of thing, and say it is a prophecy fulfilled.  They don't like it so much if you point out that Jesus would certainly have known of this prophecy, and could have slipped a guy  a few denarii to bring the donkey to a place where he could collect it later.

    In addition: all the prophecies are very vague.  "A man will be born in such-and-such a city who will be executed for treason" and so forth.  Well... you know.. thousands of people get born there every year.  After 500 years, you would expect not just one but several people to match that prediction.  It's not difficult.

    Christians claim lots of predictions have come true.  But they don't tell you that this is in no way surprising.  Take a vague enough prophecy and wait long enough, and it will come true many times.

    What would be impressive would be if they had made *specific* claims would could come true *once* and *once only*, and could not be just filled in after the event (like the donkey incident).

    For example: "The messiah will be born when Israel is occupied by the armies of Rome - today a tiny town, but in 500 years, their empire will stretch from the huge ocean in the west to east of here.  After he dies, and the books are written, about 200 years later, the new religion will become the official religion of Rome, and spread throughout the world."

    That would be impressive.

    Let me leave you with a prediction of my own, in the style of the Old Testament:

    In the year when the war begins, a man shall come from Washington.  He will bear news which will make all the people cry out in dispair.  Yet he will take actions which will restore the faith of the people: and thus the war will be won.

    Now give it 500 years.  It'll come true.  Eventually :)

  5. too many to count

  6. Israel is a nation again.  Just one of the many.


  7. Several - However, we've gone into the New Testament.

  8. You are kidding?...right? Or is this a serious question?

    There are many, many fulfilled prophecies in the bible.

  9. yes, leviticus,chapter 26, 14 thru 20,terrorism, weather,california fires.

    Lamentations,chapter 5 ,housing crisis,the economy and foreign oil.

    theres alot more but you need to check these out

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